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Racism and the future of antiracism in education: A critical analysis of the Sewell Report
British Educational Research Journal  ( IF 2.133 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-19 , DOI: 10.1002/berj.3776
Leon Tikly 1, 2

This article provides an analysis and critique of the education component of the 2021 Sewell Report on Race and Ethnic Disparities. Discussion focuses on the report’s spurious claims to objectivity, the erasure of racism and the inadequacy of its recommendations. It is suggested, however, that despite its many flaws, the Sewell Report poses challenges for those who have traditionally been aligned with antiracism in education. The article concludes by setting out a vision for a new progressive project aimed at advancing racial and cultural justice that, it is suggested, can begin to address these challenges.



本文对 2021 年Sewell 种族和民族差异报告中的教育部分进行了分析和批评。讨论的重点是该报告对客观性的虚假主张、种族主义的消除以及其建议的不足。然而,有人建议,尽管存在许多缺陷,但《休厄尔报告》对那些传统上与教育中的反种族主义保持一致的人提出了挑战。文章最后提出了一个旨在推进种族和文化正义的新进步项目的愿景,并建议该项目可以开始应对这些挑战。