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The Cows May Safely Graze: Placing Expert-Lay Relationships at the Center of Overcoming the Expert-Lay Knowledge Divide*
Rural Sociology ( IF 4.078 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-17 , DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12426
Jill Eileen Richardson 1

Many scholars agree that both expert and lay knowledge are needed to gain a fuller understanding of environmental problems, both to find answers to the problems and to improve relations between experts and laypeople. When experts ignore lay knowledge, laypeople can resist by accusing experts of arrogance or conspiracy. Rural people who live among large carnivores like wolves and grizzly bears sometimes distrust expert knowledge or even promulgate conspiracy theories. One's knowledge is inextricably linked with one's identity and social relationships. In this ethnographic study, I examine how a Montana-based non-profit, Blackfoot Challenge (BC), facilitates the exchange of knowledge between experts and laypeople for carnivore management. Nurturing expert-lay relationships is one strategy that BC uses in concert with two others to bridge the expert-lay knowledge divide: facilitating learning experiences and relying on intermediaries. Knowledge exchanged within expert relationships allows experts to better understand the needs of laypeople and adapt their work to meet those needs while also disseminating expert knowledge to laypeople in a way that earns their trust. The trust built within expert-lay relationships facilitates the exchange of knowledge, but the way experts and laypeople exchange knowledge also builds trust.



许多学者一致认为,为了更全面地了解环境问题,既要找到问题的答案,又要改善专家和外行之间的关系,需要专家和外行知识。当专家忽视外行知识时,外行可以通过指责专家傲慢或阴谋来抵制。生活在狼和灰熊等大型食肉动物中的农村人有时不信任专家知识,甚至传播阴谋论。一个人的知识与一个人的身份和社会关系密不可分。在这项人种学研究中,我研究了位于蒙大拿州的非营利组织 Blackfoot Challenge (BC) 如何促进专家和非专业人士之间就食肉动物管理进行知识交流。培养专家与外行的关系是 BC 与其他两个合作用来弥合专家外行知识鸿沟的一种策略:促进学习经验和依赖中介。在专家关系中交换知识使专家能够更好地了解非专业人士的需求并调整他们的工作以满足这些需求,同时还可以以赢得他们信任的方式向非专业人士传播专家知识。专家与外行关系中建立的信任促进了知识的交流,但专家和外行交流知识的方式也建立了信任。在专家关系中交换知识使专家能够更好地了解非专业人士的需求并调整他们的工作以满足这些需求,同时还可以以赢得他们信任的方式向非专业人士传播专家知识。专家与外行关系中建立的信任促进了知识的交流,但专家和外行交流知识的方式也建立了信任。在专家关系中交换知识使专家能够更好地了解非专业人士的需求并调整他们的工作以满足这些需求,同时还可以以赢得他们信任的方式向非专业人士传播专家知识。专家与外行关系中建立的信任促进了知识的交流,但专家和外行交流知识的方式也建立了信任。