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Entropic Analysis of Distributed Generation Systems
Radioelectronics and Communications Systems Pub Date : 2022-01-18 , DOI: 10.3103/s0735272721100046
Kateryna Klen 1 , Valery Zhuikov 1


It is proposed to use the entropy divergence function for entropy analysis of distributed generation systems. A description of the system of distributed generation through the distribution of carriers and resources of generation and consumption is represented. A new method for calculating the probabilities of micro- and macrostates of the system is given. The function of entropy divergence is obtained as an integral characteristic of the macrostate of the distributed generation system, as well as its main properties. The entropic divergence of the solar radiation flux is calculated. The Matlab R2020a Simulink® software environment simulates a distributed generation system consisting of a renewable energy source, a storage device, and an active load. There are represented the time dependences of the storage device charge state modification. The entropy and entropy divergence of the energy flow at the storage device output in such system are calculated. It is shown that to reduce the value of entropy divergence of energy flow at the storage device output, i.e. to bring its operation mode to the maximum allowable, it is necessary in accordance with the entropy divergence of solar radiation flux, taken with the opposite sign, to change the storage capacity without increasing its absolute value. This reduces the duration of the time intervals when the storage device is fully charged and fully discharged, but the energy balance in the system is maintained.




建议使用熵散度函数对分布式发电系统进行熵分析。描述了分布式发电系统通过分配载体和发电和消费资源。给出了一种计算系统微观和宏观状态概率的新方法。熵散度函数作为分布式发电系统宏观状态的积分特征及其主要性质得到。计算太阳辐射通量的熵散度。Matlab R2020a Simulink® 软件环境模拟由可再生能源、存储设备和有源负载组成的分布式发电系统。表示存储设备充电状态修改的时间依赖性。计算该系统中存储设备输出处能量流的熵和熵散度。结果表明,要降低储能装置输出端能量流熵散值,即使其运行模式达到最大允许值,需要根据太阳辐射通量熵散度取反号。 , 在不增加其绝对值的情况下改变存储容量。这减少了存储设备完全充电和完全放电的时间间隔的持续时间,但系统中的能量平衡得以保持。为了使其运行方式达到最大允许值,需要根据太阳辐射通量的熵散度,取反号,在不增加绝对值的情况下改变存储容量。这减少了存储设备完全充电和完全放电的时间间隔的持续时间,但系统中的能量平衡得以保持。为了使其运行方式达到最大允许值,需要根据太阳辐射通量的熵散度,取反号,在不增加绝对值的情况下改变存储容量。这减少了存储设备完全充电和完全放电的时间间隔的持续时间,但系统中的能量平衡得以保持。
