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Sponsor-proxy dynamics between decentered multipolarity and non-state actors: evidence from the MENA region
Small Wars & Insurgencies Pub Date : 2022-01-09 , DOI: 10.1080/09592318.2021.2025288
Irene Costantini 1 , Federico Donelli 2


Contemporary civil conflicts are increasingly inter- and trans-nationalized: distinctive conflict dynamics extend beyond the boundaries of the respective states and are exposed to foreign involvement, in different forms. Within this trend stands the often mentioned but yet to be fully grasped role of non-state actors, referred to as, among others, proxies, mercenaries, militias (pro-government or not), or insurgents. The article revises the debate on sponsor-proxy relations from a twofold standpoint. First, it connects sponsor-proxy dynamics with current systemic changes by treating the MENA region as an example of a decentered multipolar system. Second, it examines sponsor-proxy dynamics by engaging in a conversation with scholarship on (armed) non-state actors. To do so, the article applies the sponsor-proxy analytical framework to the case studies of the relationship between Iran and the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) in Iraq, and between Turkey and the Syrian National Army (SNA) in Syria. The main argument is that the two cases show a peculiar pattern of sponsor-proxy dynamics, one that is influenced by proxy plurality and competitiveness, on the one hand, and by the political relevance of proxies besides their military role.




当代的国内冲突日益国际化和跨国化:独特的冲突动态超出了各自国家的边界​​,并以不同的形式受到外国的介入。在这一趋势中,经常提到但尚未完全理解的非国家行为者的作用,其中包括代理人、雇佣军、民兵(是否支持政府)或叛乱分子。文章从双重角度修正了关于发起人-代理人关系的辩论。首先,它通过将中东和北非地区视为分散的多极系统的一个例子,将赞助商-代理动态与当前的系统变化联系起来。其次,它通过与(武装)非国家行为者的学术对话来研究赞助商-代理的动态。为此,本文将赞助商代理分析框架应用于伊朗与伊拉克人民动员部队 (PMF) 之间以及土耳其与叙利亚国民军 (SNA) 之间关系的案例研究。主要论点是,这两个案例显示了一种特殊的赞助-代理人动态模式,一方面受代理人多元化和竞争性的影响,以及代理人在军事角色之外的政治相关性。
