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Angler Choices That Help Catch Lots of Big Fish
Fisheries ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-09 , DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10722
Andrew P. Bade 1, 2 , David A. Dippold 1 , Brian A. Schmidt 3 , Mark R. DuFour 3 , Travis J. Hartman 3 , Stuart A. Ludsin 1

A primary goal of fisheries management is to maximize angler satisfaction (e.g., by catching more and bigger fish), while maintaining sustainable populations. In addition to environmental and ecological factors, angler choices may influence recreational catches. Using interviews (92,838) from Walleye Sander vitreus anglers in Lake Erie during 1989–2017, we identified how angler behavior influences catch outcomes. Angler behaviors were associated with changes in catch rate and the length of harvested fish. For example, trolling resulted in a 50% increase in median catch and a 24-mm increase in length, relative to casting. Other behaviors led to tradeoffs between catch rate and size, such as the time of year anglers fished. We identified behaviors that maximize fishing success with respect to anglers’ desired catch outcomes. Our results can help increase angler satisfaction by providing realistic catch expectations, given the environmental and fishery conditions, while improving recreational catch outcomes through more informed angler decision making.



渔业管理的一个主要目标是最大限度地提高垂钓者的满意度(例如,通过捕获更多更大的鱼),同时维持可持续的种群。除了环境和生态因素外,垂钓者的选择可能会影响休闲渔获量。使用 Walleye Sander vitreus的采访 (92,838)1989-2017 年期间伊利湖的垂钓者,我们确定了垂钓者的行为如何影响捕获结果。垂钓者的行为与捕获率的变化和收获鱼的长度有关。例如,与抛钓相比,拖钓导致中位数增加了 50%,长度增加了 24 毫米。其他行为导致捕获率和大小之间的权衡,例如垂钓者一年中捕鱼的时间。我们确定了与垂钓者期望的捕获结果相关的最大捕鱼成功的行为。鉴于环境和渔业条件,我们的结果可以通过提供切合实际的捕捞预期来帮助提高垂钓者的满意度,同时通过更明智的垂钓者决策来改善休闲捕捞结果。