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Mexican Middle Schoolers’ Questions on Sexuality and Dating Relationships: A Descriptive Qualitative Analysis
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal ( IF 1.744 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10560-021-00811-7
Deaven Rodriguez 1 , Heidi Adams Rueda 1 , Steven Hoffman 2

Research in Mexico has found a lack of comprehensive sexual health education in school settings, as well as a lack of youth perspectives on sexual health and dating. Little is known about the questions Mexican youth have about dating and sexuality, despite research finding that they desire this information and perceive few resources available to them. This collaborative study between a U.S. university and a multi-disciplinary team of middle-school psychologists in Central Mexico aimed to understand youth’s questions on sexual health and dating. This study was a follow-up to focus group conversations, where youth voiced that they wanted more information about these topics. Specifically, school psychologists solicited anonymous questions about sexual health and dating relationships using a ‘question box’ (n = 60 written questions). This method offered a forum by which students could ask about sensitive topics individually. We analyzed questions using descriptive thematic analysis. A majority of the questions pertained to healthy relationships, followed by questions on violence and trauma in relationships, sexual education, and attraction and sexual orientation. The results of this study reflect a need to provide youth and their families accurate and developmentally appropriate information on sexual health and dating during early adolescence. Here, we discuss the process of forming a binational partnership, primary themes with regard to the questions asked, and the impact of findings from the perspectives of our Mexican collaborators.



墨西哥的研究发现,学校环境中缺乏全面的性健康教育,也缺乏青少年对性健康和约会的看法。尽管研究发现他们渴望这些信息并且认为他们可用的资源很少,但人们对墨西哥青年关于约会和性行为的问题知之甚少。这项由美国大学和墨西哥中部中学心理学家组成的多学科团队进行的合作研究旨在了解年轻人在性健康和约会方面的问题。这项研究是焦点小组对话的后续研究,年轻人表示他们想要更多关于这些主题的信息。具体来说,学校心理学家使用“问题箱”(n = 60 个书面问题)。这种方法提供了一个论坛,学生可以通过该论坛单独询问敏感话题。我们使用描述性主题分析来分析问题。大多数问题与健康的关系有关,其次是关于关系中的暴力和创伤、性教育、吸引力和性取向的问题。这项研究的结果反映了需要为青少年及其家人提供有关青春期早期性健康和约会的准确且适合发育的信息。在这里,我们从墨西哥合作者的角度讨论了建立两国伙伴关系的过程、与所提问题有关的主要主题以及调查结果的影响。
