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Removal of CF4 from NF3 at the phase interface
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtice.2021.104178
Alexander Cholach 1 , Dmitri Yakovin 2

Background The close boiling points of carbon tetrafluoride (CF4) and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) and the chemical inertness of CF4 make it difficult to remove it from NF3.

Methods A method for cleaning NF3 from CF4 at the gas-liquid interface is proposed. The purification is carried out by a sequence of cycles: (1) fractional condensation of NF3 at a cryostat temperature (TCry), at which the equilibrium pressure of CF4 exceeds its partial pressure in the feed mixture; and (2) pumping out the gas phase enriched with CF4 and high-boiling impurities. The cycles are repeated at a next TCry corresponding to the new CF4 content, and are completed by cryogenic distillation of the condensate with the removal of low-boiling impurities.

Findings The CF4 content of 5000 ppm in a 25 g NF3 sample was reduced to less than 100 ppm in three cycles at TCry = 120 K; a CF4 separation coefficient above 40 was achieved. The method can be used for the industrial production of high-purity NF3, with the cryostat refrigerant being the only consumable material, as well as for the separation of other substances with close boiling points, such as isomers or isotopes.


在相界面从 NF3 中去除 CF4

背景的沸点接近四氟化碳的点(CF 4)和三氟化氮(NF 3)和CF的化学惰性4使得难以将其从NF删除3

方法提出了一种在气液界面从CF 4中清洗NF 3 的方法。纯化是通过循环的序列进行:(1)NF的分级冷凝3在低温恒温器温度(Ť惊魂在该CF的平衡压力4超过了在进料混合物中的分压; (2)抽出富含CF 4和高沸点杂质的气相。在对应于新的 CF 4含量的下一个T Cry重复循环,并通过冷凝物的低温蒸馏并去除低沸点杂质来完成。

结果T Cry  = 120 K 的三个循环中,25 g NF 3样品中 5000 ppm的 CF 4含量降低到低于 100 ppm ;实现了高于 40的 CF 4分离系数。该方法可用于高纯NF 3的工业生产,低温制冷剂是唯一的消耗材料,也可用于分离其他沸点相近的物质,如异构体或同位素。
