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Covid-19: A Human Security Analysis
Global Society Pub Date : 2021-12-29 , DOI: 10.1080/13600826.2021.2010034
Edward Newman 1


From a human security perspective, the concept and practices of security should be oriented around the everyday needs of individuals and communities, whatever the source or nature of threat they may face. Human security has lost some momentum as an intellectual project as a result of its imprecise definition and scope. In addition, in policy terms, human security has been eclipsed by a resurgence of geopolitical visions of security, reinforced by a rise in nationalism and great power rivalry. Yet Covid-19 demonstrates how human security brings added value as an analytical and normative framework. The pandemic exposed the limitations of the traditional security paradigm and it demonstrated that traditional measures of national security are no assurance of societal resilience or individual protection. Moreover, from a human security perspective, Covid-19 exposes the structural inequalities and contradictions which underpin norms of security in many societies, given that experiences of security and insecurity are shaped by gender, socio-economic inequalities, and ethnicity.




从人类安全的角度来看,安全的概念和实践应该以个人和社区的日常需求为导向,无论他们可能面临的威胁的来源或性质如何。由于其定义和范围不精确,人类安全作为一项智力项目失去了一些动力。此外,在政策方面,地缘政治安全愿景的复苏已使人类安全黯然失色,而民族主义和大国竞争的兴起则进一步加强了这一愿景。然而,Covid-19 展示了人类安全如何作为分析和规范框架带来附加值。大流行暴露了传统安全范式的局限性,并表明传统的国家安全措施并不能保证社会复原力或个人保护。此外,从人类安全的角度来看,
