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A Pilot Study of the Swedish Sexual Offender Treatment Program
Research on Social Work Practice ( IF 1.984 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-23 , DOI: 10.1177/10497315211036354
Stina Lindegren 1

Purpose: The aim was to test whether dynamic criminogenic risk factors change after participation in a new cognitive-behavioral treatment program adhering to the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) model, within a group of adult men convicted of a sexual offense in Sweden. Methods: Three psychometric tests from approximately 26 participants were completed. Therapists rated 46 participants using the Therapist Rating Scale-2 (TRS-2). Results: Participants reported a significant decrease in hypersexuality, small to medium effect size, a non-significant, increased, internal locus of control, but no change regarding attachment styles, posttreatment. Therapists rated significant decrease in all treatment needs posttreatment, medium to large effect size. Conclusions: The significant reduction of several criminogenic risk factors posttreatment indicates the treatment program may reduce problems related to increased risk of recidivism, especially hypersexuality. Moreover, treatment did not appear to have negative effects, motivating further implementation. However, to evaluate the effectiveness, more research is necessary.



目的:目的是在瑞典被判犯有性犯罪的一组成年男性中,测试在参与新的认知行为治疗计划后,动态犯罪风险因素是否会发生变化,该计划遵循风险 - 需求 - 响应性(RNR)模型。方法:完成了来自大约 26 名参与者的三项心理测试。治疗师使用治疗师评级量表 2 (TRS-2) 对 46 名参与者进行评级。结果:参与者报告性欲亢进显着减少,影响大小为中小,内部控制点不显着,增加,但治疗后依恋风格没有变化。治疗师认为治疗后所有治疗需求显着减少,效果中等至大。结论:治疗后几个犯罪风险因素的显着减少表明治疗计划可能会减少与再犯风险增加相关的问题,尤其是性欲亢进。此外,治疗似乎没有产生负面影响,推动了进一步的实施。然而,为了评估有效性,需要更多的研究。
