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Promoting the European way of life: Migration and asylum in the EU
European Law Journal  ( IF 1.396 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-16 , DOI: 10.1111/eulj.12410
Elspeth Guild

Migration and asylum elicit intense debate in the EU. The Commission's New Pact for Migration and Asylum 2020 sought to diffuse some of the divisive issues among Member States by proposing a series of measures, mainly directed at diminishing asylum arrivals. In this article I argue that there is a profound incoherence at the centre of this policy, which is its embrace of the nineteenth-century theoretical framework of migration as driven by push and pull factors. While EU statistics provided by Frontex and Eurostat reveal that hundreds of millions of third-country nationals are welcomed to the EU each year as tourists but also as students, workers, etc., and a few hundred thousand are treated as unwanted, EU policy is still dominated by a framing of people as pushed and pulled to the detriment of the host state rather than as an essential element of the European way of life.



移民和庇护在欧盟引发了激烈的辩论。委员会的《2020 年移民和庇护新公约》试图通过提出一系列主要针对减少庇护入境的措施来消除成员国之间的一些分歧问题。在本文中,我认为这项政策的核心存在严重的不一致之处,即它接受了由推拉因素驱动的 19 世纪移民理论框架。虽然 Frontex 和 Eurostat 提供的欧盟统计数据显示,每年有数亿第三国国民作为游客、学生、工人等受到欧盟的欢迎,还有几十万人被视为不受欢迎的人,