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Adding wisdom to computation: The task of philosophy today
Metaphilosophy Pub Date : 2021-12-08 , DOI: 10.1111/meta.12530
Simona Chiodo 1

From climate change to potentially disruptive technologies to the COVID-19 pandemic, our era is characterised by unprecedented complexity and uncertainty. Philosophy has always been a promising tool for facing puzzling scenarios. Yet, contemporary philosophy may not be able to successfully face our era’s unprecedented complexity and uncertainty. On the one hand, contemporary philosophy results from a kind of hypertrophisation of logos restricting the forms of rationality legitimately usable. On the other hand, our era’s unprecedented complexity and uncertainty seem to require not only restricted forms of rationality, such as logic and computation, but also other forms of rationality underdeveloped in our philosophical tradition, such as wisdom. This paper proposes reasons why increasing our focus on wisdom may help us face our unprecedentedly complex and uncertain era in four respects as philosophers: when educating our students; when publishing our work; when talking to civil society; and when acting in our technological era.



从气候变化到潜在的破坏性技术再到 COVID-19 大流行,我们这个时代的特点是前所未有的复杂性和不确定性。哲学一直是面对令人费解的场景的有前途的工具。然而,当代哲学可能无法成功面对我们这个时代前所未有的复杂性和不确定性。一方面,当代哲学源于一种对可合法使用的理性形式的限制的过度膨胀。另一方面,我们这个时代空前的复杂性和不确定性似乎不仅需要有限的理性形式,如逻辑和计算,还需要我们哲学传统中不发达的其他理性形式,如智慧。本文提出了为什么增加对智慧的关注可能有助于我们作为哲学家从四个方面面对我们空前复杂和不确定的时代的原因:教育我们的学生;发表我们的作品时;与民间社会交谈时;在我们的技术时代行事时。