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Dynamic measurements at up to 130-kHz sampling rates using Ti:sapphire dual-comb distance metrology
Optics Express ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-03 , DOI: 10.1364/oe.433871
Toby Mitchell , Jinghua Sun , Derryck T. Reid

By using fully-locked Ti:sapphire combs operating with repetition-frequencies of 513 MHz, we demonstrate high-speed dual-comb distance metrology with update rates up to 130 kHz, equivalent to a sampling interval of 7.7 µs. This measurement bandwidth is achieved by limiting detection to a wavelength range much less than the pulse bandwidth, enabling interferometric precision to be reached in a time of 2.6 ms and yielding a precision of 2 nm in 100 ms. The repetition frequency achieves an instantaneous non-ambiguity range of 29.2 cm, while the high sampling rate provides the ability to make dynamic measurements, which is demonstrated by using the system to directly sample audio waveforms by recording the displacement of a mirror mounted on a loudspeaker.


使用钛蓝宝石双梳距离计量以高达 130 kHz 的采样率进行动态测量

通过使用重复频率为 513 MHz 的全锁定钛蓝宝石梳,我们展示了高速双梳距离计量,其更新速率高达 130 kHz,相当于 7.7 µs 的采样间隔。该测量带宽是通过将检测限制在远小于脉冲带宽的波长范围内实现的,从而能够在 2.6 ms 的时间内达到干涉测量精度,并在 100 ms 内产生 2 nm 的精度。重复频率实现了 29.2 cm 的瞬时非模糊范围,而高采样率提供了进行动态测量的能力,这通过使用系统通过记录安装在扬声器上的镜子的位移来直接采样音频波形来证明.