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Germination performance of different forage grass species at different salinity (NaCl) concentrations
African Journal of Range & Forage Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-03 , DOI: 10.2989/10220119.2021.2000025
M Mangwane 1, 2 , IC Madakadze 1 , FV Nherera-Chokuda 2 , S Dube 3 , M Mndela 1, 2

Certain grasses show potential for the rehabilitation of coalmine spoils. Species selection and evaluation are used to guide the choice of the most appropriate grass species. This study evaluated the germination performance of seven forage grass species, with some represented by two varieties, under varying salinity conditions of 0 (distilled H2O), 100, 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1 000 mS m−1 of NaCl. Cumulative germination, final germination percentage (FG%), and time taken to reach 50% of the final germination (T50) were determined for each species–treatment combination. Species × salinity interaction was significant (p < 0.01) for cumulative germination, FG% and T50. Cumulative germination increased gradually up to 17 days and thereafter declined. The highest FG% for all grass species was attained under distilled water (0 mS m−1), ranging from 38% to 94%, and declined significantly (p < 0.01) with an increase in salinity. T50 increased with increasing salinity for all grass species. Eragrostis curvula var. Ermelo and Lolium multiflorum var. Archie were the quickest to germinate and attained significantly (p < 0.01) higher values of FG%, of 45% and 50%, respectively, at 600 mS m−1, indicating higher salt tolerance than the other species. Overall, increasing salinity reduced the germination performance of all grass species tested; however, Archie and Ermelo showed higher potential for rehabilitation of coalmine spoils irrigated with saline water.



某些草显示出恢复煤矿弃土的潜力。物种选择和评估用于指导选择最合适的草种。本研究评估了 7 种牧草品种(其中一些由两个品种代表)在 0(蒸馏 H 2 O)、100、200、400、600、800 和 1 000 mS m -1 NaCl 的不同盐度条件下的发芽性能. 确定每个物种-处理组合的累积发芽、最终发芽百分比 (FG%) 和达到最终发芽的 50% 所需的时间 (T 50 )。对于累积发芽、FG% 和 T 50,物种 × 盐度相互作用是显着的 ( p < 0.01). 累积发芽逐渐增加到 17 天,然后下降。所有草种的最高 FG% 是在蒸馏水 (0 mS m -1 ) 下获得的,范围从 38% 到 94%,并且随着盐度的增加而显着下降 ( p < 0.01)。对于所有草种,T 50随着盐度的增加而增加。画眉草变种。Ermelo 和黑麦草变种。Archie 是发芽最快的,并且在 600 mS m -1 时获得了显着 ( p < 0.01) 更高的 FG% 值,分别为 45% 和 50%,表明比其他物种具有更高的耐盐性。总体而言,增加盐度会降低所有受试草种的发芽性能;然而,Archie 和 Ermelo 显示出用盐水灌溉的煤矿弃土复原的更高潜力。
