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Traditional Dwellings of GÖlde (İNCESU): A Rural Heritage in the Process of Change
Vernacular Architecture Pub Date : 2021-11-29 , DOI: 10.1080/03055477.2021.1981593
Esra Eken 1 , F. Nurşen Kul 2

Gölde, officially named İncesu, is a rural settlement located in Aegean Anatolia. Before the population exchange between Greece and Turkey in 1923, Gölde hosted both Orthodox Rum and Muslim Turkish communities. Despite out-migration since 1923, traditional life continued in the settlement with a small population that now comprises mostly elderly Turkish people. This paper aims to understand traditional Gölde dwelling units by analysing the influence of daily-life practices, customs, traditions and values through interviews with current locals and the oral testimonies of former Rum inhabitants. A site survey identified 136 traditional dwelling units, 68 of which are still inhabited. Site reconstruction analysis revealed the original condition of 90 dwelling units. These formed the primary focus of investigation. No major differences were found between houses originally belonging to the Rum and Turkish communities. However, the study identified significant adaptations of the dwelling units in line with changing socio-cultural conditions over time.


GÖlde (İNCESU) 的传统民居:变革过程中的乡村遗产

Gölde,正式名称为İncesu,是位于爱琴海安纳托利亚的一个农村定居点。在 1923 年希腊和土耳其之间的人口交换之前,戈尔德接待了东正教朗姆酒和穆斯林土耳其社区。尽管自 1923 年开始向外迁移,但传统生活在该定居点继续进行,人口很少,现在主要由土耳其老年人组成。本文旨在通过对当前当地人的采访和前朗姆酒居民的口头证词分析日常生活实践、习俗、传统和价值观的影响,从而了解传统的戈尔德住宅单元。现场调查确定了 136 个传统住宅单元,其中 68 个仍然有人居住。现场重建分析揭示了 90 个住宅单元的原始状况。这些构成了调查的主要焦点。最初属于朗姆酒和土耳其社区的房屋之间没有发现重大差异。然而,该研究确定了住宅单元的重大调整,以适应随着时间的推移不断变化的社会文化条件。
