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Integration of knowledge-based documentation methodologies and digital information for the study of religious complex heritage sites in the south of Portugal
Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Pub Date : 2021-11-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.daach.2021.e00208
Rolando Volzone 1 , Olimpia Niglio 2 , Pietro Becherini 3

The progressive abandonment of religious houses, culminating with the Portuguese definitive dissolution of the religious orders in 1834, led to the alteration, abandonment or ruin of 131 religious complex heritage sites in the south of Portugal. This article defines a framework for their analysis, combining methodologies from different fields to obtain a more comprehensive understanding. After the settlement's identification, the literature review, the archival research, a census and morphological analysis of the existing physical structures has been carried out. The multidisciplinary framework is tested on a specific case study, including the production of 3D digital documentation and can be applied to the 131 convents. Findings can promote an increased awareness by nearby communities and public administrations, and encourage initiatives of heritage conservation, valorisation, and rehabilitation. Simultaneously, the study contributes to recognition of the importance of cultural heritage related to the analysed religious heritage sites, at local, regional and national levels.



宗教房屋的逐渐废弃,最终导致葡萄牙在 1834 年彻底解散宗教秩序,导致葡萄牙南部 131 处宗教建筑遗址被改建、废弃或毁坏。本文为他们的分析定义了一个框架,结合不同领域的方法论以获得更全面的理解。聚落确定后,进行了文献查阅、档案研究、人口普查和现有物理结构形态分析。多学科框架在特定案例研究中进行了测试,包括 3D 数字文档的制作,并可应用于 131 座修道院。调查结果可以提高附近社区和公共行政部门的认识,鼓励遗产保护、价值评估和修复的举措。同时,该研究有助于承认与所分析的宗教遗产地相关的文化遗产在地方、区域和国家层面的重要性。
