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No common pesticides detected in snow buntings utilizing a farmland landscape in eastern Qu?bec
Avian Conservation and Ecology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-24 , DOI: 10.5751/ace-01979-160226
Emily Cornelius Ruhs , Oliver P. Love , Louis Drainville , François Vézina

Many species of migratory birds are declining worldwide, including throughout North America. Some of the most cited causes of decline are linked to climate change, urbanization, and growth in agriculture. Across eastern Canada, a number of insecticides and herbicides are commonly sprayed before and during the grain growing season to control pests and foliage competitors. During wintering and migration, a declining Arctic-breeding songbird, the snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis), utilizes open farmlands of southern Canada; therefore, this could be a period when the species is most exposed to these pesticides. We tested snow bunting tissues (blood and liver) for the 4 pesticides most commonly used in grain agriculture in Canada: atrazine, chlothianidin, imidacloprid, and glyphosate, as well as a glyphosate derivative (aminomethylphosphic acid, AMPA). Although this species is thought to forage in grain fields during autumn through spring, we found no detectable traces of any of the five substances. Wintering buntings may either not be exposed to these pesticides during their presence in agriculture fields or, given the rapid turnover of these pesticides in the blood and tissues, be exposed to doses below detection level in samples.



许多候鸟种类在世界范围内都在减少,包括整个北美。一些最常被引用的下降原因与气候变化、城市化和农业增长有关。在加拿大东部,通常在谷物生长季节之前和期间喷洒多种杀虫剂和除草剂,以控制害虫和叶子竞争者。在越冬和迁徙期间,一种数量减少的北极鸣禽雪鹀(Plectrophenax nivalis)利用加拿大南部的开阔农田;因此,这可能是该物种最暴露于这些杀虫剂的时期。我们测试了雪鸫组织(血液和肝脏)中加拿大谷物农业中最常用的 4 种杀虫剂:莠去津、氯噻菌素、吡虫啉和草甘膦,以及草甘膦衍生物(氨基甲基磷酸、AMPA)。尽管人们认为该物种在秋季至春季期间在粮田中觅食,但我们没有发现这五种物质中任何一种的踪迹。越冬鹀在农田中可能不会接触到这些杀虫剂,或者鉴于这些杀虫剂在血液和组织中的快速周转,暴露在样本中低于检测水平的剂量下。