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A Cut-and-Fold Self-Sustained Compliant Oscillator for Autonomous Actuation of Origami-Inspired Robots
Soft Robotics ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-13 , DOI: 10.1089/soro.2021.0018
Wenzhong Yan 1 , Ankur Mehta 2

Origami-inspired robots are of particular interest due to their potential for rapid and accessible design and fabrication of elegant designs and complex functionalities through cutting and folding of flexible two-dimensional sheets or even strings, that is, printable manufacturing. Yet, origami robots still require bulky rigid components or electronics for actuation and control to accomplish tasks with reliability, programmability, ability to output substantial force, and durability, restricting their full potential. In this study, we present a printable self-sustained compliant oscillator that generates periodic actuation using only constant electrical power, without discrete components or electronic control hardware. This oscillator is robust (9 out of 10 prototypes worked successfully on the first try), configurable (with tunable periods from 3 to 12 s), powerful (can overcome hydrodynamic resistance to consistently propel a swimmer at ∼1.6 body lengths/min or 3.66 mm/s), and long lasting (∼103 cycles); it enables driving macroscale devices with prescribed autonomous behaviors, for example, locomotion and sequencing. This oscillator is also fully functional underwater and in high magnetic fields. Our analytical model characterizes essential parameters of the oscillation period, enabling programmable design of the oscillator. The printable oscillator can be integrated into origami-inspired systems seamlessly and monolithically, allowing rapid design and prototyping; the resulting integrated devices are lightweight, low cost, compliant, electronic free, and nonmagnetic, enabling practical applications in extreme areas. We demonstrate the functionalities of the oscillator with: (1) autonomous gliding of a printable swimmer, (2) LED flashing, and (3) fluid stirring. This work paves the way for realizing fully printable autonomous robots with high integration of actuation and control.



受折纸启发的机器人特别令人感兴趣,因为它们具有通过切割和折叠柔性二维片材甚至线(即可打印制造)来快速、可访问地设计和制造优雅设计和复杂功能的潜力。然而,折纸机器人仍然需要笨重的刚性组件或电子设备来驱动和控制,以完成具有可靠性、可编程性、输出大量力的能力和耐用性的任务,从而限制了它们的全部潜力。在这项研究中,我们提出了一种可打印的自持兼容振荡器,该振荡器仅使用恒定电力产生周期性驱动,无需分立元件或电子控制硬件。这个振荡器很强大(10 个原型中有 9 个在第一次尝试时就成功了),3循环);它可以驱动具有规定自主行为的宏观设备,例如运动和排序。该振荡器在水下和高磁场中也可完全发挥作用。我们的分析模型表征了振荡周期的基本参数,从而实现了振荡器的可编程设计。可打印的振荡器可以无缝和单片地集成到折纸启发系统中,从而实现快速设计和原型制作;由此产生的集成设备重量轻、成本低、合规、无电子且无磁性,可在极端领域进行实际应用。我们展示了振荡器的功能:(1) 可打印游泳者的自主滑行,(2) LED 闪烁,以及 (3) 流体搅拌。