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Idealizations and Partitions: A Defense of Robustness Analysis
European Journal for Philosophy of Science ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s13194-021-00428-8
Gareth P. Fuller 1 , Armin W. Schulz 2

We argue that the robustness analysis of idealized models can have confirmational power. This responds to concerns recently raised in the literature (especially by Odenbaugh & Alexandrova), according to which (a) the robustness analysis of models whose idealizations are not discharged is unable to confirm the causal mechanisms underlying these models, and (b) the robustness analysis of models whose idealizations are discharged is unnecessary. In response, we make clear that, where idealizations sweep out, in a specific way, the space of possibilities— which is sometimes, though not always, the case—they can be holistically discharged. In turn, this can be used to show that the robustness analysis of idealized models can have confirmational force after all.



我们认为理想化模型的稳健性分析可以具有确认力。这回应了最近文献(尤其是 Odenbaugh 和 Alexandrova)提出的担忧,根据这些担忧,(a) 对理想化未解除的模型的稳健性分析无法确认这些模型背后的因果机制,以及 (b) 稳健性没有必要对理想化被解除的模型进行分析。作为回应,我们明确表示,在理想化以特定方式扫除可能性空间的地方——有时但并非总是如此——它们可以被整体释放。反过来,这可以用来表明理想化模型的稳健性分析毕竟可以具有确认力。
