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From the Editor
Public Works Management & Policy Pub Date : 2021-11-17 , DOI: 10.1177/1087724x211060585
Richard G. Little 1

As we prepared the October 2021 issue of PWMP, I noted the difficultly that the U.S. Congress appeared to be having in passing a long-awaited and much needed infrastructure bill that would fund a broad range of projects and activities in the coming years. Happily, in November, the U.S. House of Representatives voted in a bipartisan manner to approve the bill previously approved by the Senate and send it on to President Biden for his signature. This landmark legislation will provide funding for projects and activities that should improve the quality of life for millions of Americans, address threats posed by climate change, and underpin economic growth in the coming decades.



在我们准备 2021 年 10 月号的 PWMP 时,我注意到美国国会似乎很难通过一项期待已久且急需的基础设施法案,该法案将为未来几年的广泛项目和活动提供资金。令人高兴的是,11 月,美国众议院以两党的方式投票通过了先前由参议院批准的法案,并将其提交给拜登总统签署。这项具有里程碑意义的立法将为旨在改善数百万美国人的生活质量、应对气候变化带来的威胁并支持未来几十年经济增长的项目和活动提供资金。