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Utilization of Rooftop Solar Units to Generate Electricity and Hydrogen: A Technoeconomic Analysis
International Journal of Photoenergy ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-09 , DOI: 10.1155/2021/8858082
Mostafa Rezaei 1 , Mehdi Jahangiri 2 , Armin Razmjoo 3

This study is aimed at scrutinizing the domestic solar energy potential for electricity and hydrogen production. Under the first scenario, it is sought to evaluate electricity generation for household purposes using RSUs (rooftop solar units). Then, under the second scenario, solar hydrogen production is analyzed for the purpose of meeting a hydrogen vehicle demand. For this, one of the aptest cities, Yazd, located in the center of Iran is investigated. Furthermore, a real-world electric load needed by an usual household in Yazd is deemed as the demand for electricity. To analyze the two scenarios, a system consisting of an 8.2 kW RSU for power generation, a battery for electricity storage, and a 1 kW electrolyzer for hydrogen yield is proposed. Also, to acquire a broader vision, predictions are made for the next 10, 20, 30, and 40 years. The results regarding the first scenario implied that COE (Cost of Electricity) would be, respectively, 0.067, 0.145, 0.136, and 0.127 $/kWh. In addition to supplying the electricity required by the house, 2,687 $/yr could be earned by selling the excess electricity generated, and 5,759 kg of CO2 would be avoided a year. The findings as to the second scenario showed that LCOH (levelized cost of hydrogen) would equate to 3.62, 6.53, 6.34, and 5.93 $/kg, respectively, for the aforementioned project lifetimes. Furthermore, 2,464 $/yr would be the revenue after selling the surplus electricity, and 7,820 kg of CO2 would be saved, annually.



这项研究旨在审查国内太阳能发电和制氢的潜力。在第一种情况下,试图评估使用 RSU(屋顶太阳能装置)的家庭发电。然后,在第二种情况下,分析太阳能氢气生产以满足氢气汽车需求。为此,对位于伊朗中心的最适宜城市之一亚兹德进行了调查。此外,亚兹德普通家庭所需的实际电力负荷被视为电力需求。为了分析这两种情况,提出了一个由用于发电的 8.2 kW RSU、用于电力存储的电池和用于产氢的 1 kW 电解槽组成的系统。此外,为了获得更广阔的视野,我们对未来 10、20、30 和 40 年进行了预测。第一种情景的结果表明 COE(电力成本)将分别为 0.067、0.145、0.136 和 0.127 美元/千瓦时。除了提供房屋所需的电力外,通过出售产生的多余电力和 5,759 公斤的二氧化碳,每年可以赚取 2,687 美元2将避免一年。关于第二种情况的调查结果表明,对于上述项目生命周期,LCOH(氢气的平准化成本)将分别等于 3.62、6.53、6.34 和 5.93 美元/公斤。此外,出售剩余电力后的收入为 2,464 美元/年,每年可减少7,820 公斤 CO 2