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Geometric structures and the Laplace spectrum, Part II
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-29 , DOI: 10.1090/tran/8417
Samuel Lin , Benjamin Schmidt , Craig Sutton

Abstract:We classify the locally homogeneous Riemannian metrics on elliptic three-manifolds, which contributes to our classification of the compact homogeneous Riemannian three-manifolds. Then, we apply the former result to our continued exploration of the extent to which the spectrum encodes the local geometry of a locally homogeneous three-manifold. Specifically, using the first four heat invariants, we find that any collection of isospectral locally homogeneous metrics on an elliptic three-manifold $\Gamma \backslash S^3$ contains at most two isometry classes and these classes are necessarily locally isometric. In fact, if the elliptic three-manifold is $S^3$, $\mathbb {R}P^3$ or has non-cyclic fundamental group, then (up to isometry) its locally homogeneous Riemannian metrics can be mutually distinguished via their spectra. Currently, there is no example of an isospectral pair consisting of locally homogeneous elliptic three-manifolds with non-isometric universal cover; however, we show that if such a pair exists, then it satisfies certain restrictive geometric conditions. Finally, we note that our classification of locally homogeneous elliptic three-manifolds shows that, for $q \geq 3$, the lens space $L(q;1,1)$ admits pairs of locally isometric locally homogeneous metrics where only one of the metrics is homogeneous. While this phenomenon cannot occur in dimension two, these lens spaces account for all such examples in dimension three.



摘要:我们对椭圆三流形上的局部齐次黎曼度量进行分类,这有助于我们对紧凑齐次黎曼三流形的分类。然后,我们将前一个结果应用于我们对光谱编码局部同质三流形的局部几何的程度的继续探索。具体来说,使用前四个热不变量,我们发现椭圆三流形 $\Gamma\backslash S^3$ 上的任何等谱局部同质度量集合至多包含两个等距类,并且这些类必然是局部等距的。事实上,如果椭圆三流形是 $S^3$、$\mathbb {R}P^3$ 或具有非循环基本群,那么(直到等距)它的局部齐次黎曼度量可以通过他们的光谱。目前,没有由具有非等距通用覆盖的局部均匀椭圆三流形组成的等谱对的例子;然而,我们表明,如果存在这样的一对,那么它满足某些限制性几何条件。最后,我们注意到我们对局部同质椭圆三流形的分类表明,对于 $q \geq 3$,透镜空间 $L(q;1,1)$ 承认局部等距局部同质度量对,其中只有一个指标是同质的。虽然这种现象不会发生在第二维,但这些透镜空间在第三维中解释了所有这样的例子。我们注意到,我们对局部齐次椭圆三流形的分类表明,对于 $q \geq 3$,透镜空间 $L(q;1,1)$ 允许成对的局部等距局部齐次度量,其中只有一个度量是同质的。虽然这种现象不会发生在第二维,但这些透镜空间在第三维中解释了所有这样的例子。我们注意到,我们对局部齐次椭圆三流形的分类表明,对于 $q \geq 3$,透镜空间 $L(q;1,1)$ 允许成对的局部等距局部齐次度量,其中只有一个度量是同质的。虽然这种现象不会发生在第二维,但这些透镜空间在第三维中解释了所有这样的例子。