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Security Force Assistance to The Gambia Following the 2017 Political Transition: A Recipe for Further Fragmentation?
Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding ( IF 1.770 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17502977.2021.1987850
Maggie Dwyer 1


This research explores the role of security force assistance (SFA) in the context of political transition, through the case of The Gambia. It shows how political and military leaders have preferred ad-hoc and shorter-term SFA programmes over wider security reform efforts. The Gambia has welcomed a range of new security partnerships through foreign security advisors and small scale SFA programmes provided by states, international organizations, and NGOs. These have not converged in a clear strategy and the uncoordinated efforts risks perpetuating long-standing problems. The case demonstrates the ways SFA can lead to fragmentation and (re)focus armed forces on presidential protection.


安全部队在 2017 年政治过渡后向冈比亚提供援助:进一步分裂的秘诀?


本研究以冈比亚为例,探讨了安全部队援助 (SFA) 在政治转型背景下的作用。它显示了政治和军事领导人如何比更广泛的安全改革努力更喜欢临时和短期 SFA 计划。冈比亚通过国家、国际组织和非政府组织提供的外国安全顾问和小规模 SFA 计划,欢迎一系列新的安全伙伴关系。这些并没有形成明确的战略,不协调的努力有可能使长期存在的问题长期存在。该案例展示了 SFA 可能导致分裂和(重新)将武装部队集中在总统保护上的方式。
