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Journal of Ecology ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-29 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13787

Conlisk, E., Castanha, C., Germino, M. J., Veblen, T. T., Smith, J. M., & Kueppers, L. M. (2017). Declines in low-elevation subalpine tree populations outpace growth in high-elevation populations with warming. Journal of Ecology, 105, 1347–1357. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.12750

In the paper by Conlisk et al. (2017), in the Materials and methods section, under the Carrying capacity heading, the following sentences were incorrect:

‘Specifically, the initial forest abundances were 16,500 and 4,100 Engelmann spruce and limber pine, respectively, and the initial tree line abundances were 11,300 and 3,800. In forest and tree line patches, the initial population was divided among the various stages consistent with the equilibrium distribution for each patch, with a larger fraction of large trees in forest patches compared to tree line patches’.

The sentences should read:

‘Specifically, the initial tree line abundances were 16,500 and 4,100 Engelmann spruce and limber pine, respectively, and the initial forest abundances were 11,300 and 3,800. In forest and tree line patches, the initial population was divided among the various stages consistent with the equilibrium distribution for each patch, with a larger fraction of large trees and fewer saplings in forest patches compared to tree line patches’.



Conlisk, E., Castanha, C., Germino, MJ, Veblen, TT, Smith, JM, & Kueppers, LM (2017)。随着气候变暖,低海拔亚高山树木种群的下降速度超过了高海拔地区树木种群的增长。生态学杂志105,1347年至1357年。https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.12750

在 Conlisk 等人的论文中。(2017),在材料和方法部分,在承载能力标题下,以下句子不正确:

'具体来说,初始森林丰度分别为 16,500 和 4,100 英格曼云杉和松柏,初始树线丰度分别为 11,300 和 3,800。在森林和树线斑块中,初始种群被划分为与每个斑块的平衡分布一致的各个阶段,与树木线斑块相比,森林斑块中大树的比例更大。


'具体来说,初始林线丰度分别为 16,500 和 4,100 英格曼云杉和松柏,初始森林丰度分别为 11,300 和 3,800。在森林和树线斑块中,初始种群被划分到与每个斑块的平衡分布一致的各个阶段,与树线斑块相比,森林斑块中大树的比例更大,树苗更少。
