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Choroidal involvement in non-infectious posterior scleritis
Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection Pub Date : 2021-10-27 , DOI: 10.1186/s12348-021-00269-9
Sandra Vermeirsch 1 , Ilaria Testi 1 , Carlos Pavesio 1

To provide a comprehensive overview of choroidal involvement in non-infectious posterior scleritis; including different imaging modalities and their clinical usefulness. Narrative review. Posterior scleritis is an uncommon yet potentially sight-threatening inflammation of the sclera. During the disease process, inflammation can spread to the adjacent choroid, causing different manifestations of choroidal involvement: (1) increased choroidal thickness, (2) choroidal vasculitis, (3) presentation as a choroidal or subretinal mass in nodular posterior scleritis, and (4) choroidal folds, choroidal effusion and exudative retinal detachment. Clinical characteristics and multimodal imaging can aid in diagnosing and monitoring disease progression and response to treatment in non-infectious posterior scleritis with choroidal involvement.



提供非感染性后巩膜炎脉络膜受累的综合概述;包括不同的成像方式及其临床用途。叙事评论。后巩膜炎是一种罕见但可能威胁视力的巩膜炎症。在疾病过程中,炎症可扩散至相邻脉络膜,引起脉络膜受累的不同表现:(1)脉络膜厚度增加,(2)脉络膜血管炎,(3)在结节性后巩膜炎中表现为脉络膜或视网膜下肿块,以及( 4)脉络膜皱襞、脉络膜积液和渗出性视网膜脱离。临床特征和多模态成像有助于诊断和监测非感染性后巩膜炎伴脉络膜受累的疾病进展和治疗反应。