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Negotiating Emerging Adulthood With Master and Counter Narratives: Alcohol-Related Identity Trajectories Among Emerging Adults in Performance-Oriented Neoliberal Society
Journal of Adolescent Research ( IF 3.000 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-27 , DOI: 10.1177/07435584211052986
Jukka Törrönen 1 , Eva Samuelsson 1 , Filip Roumeliotis 1 , Josefin Månsson 1

This study analyzes how emerging adults negotiate their relation to alcohol in the context of declining youth drinking and how this relationship changes over time. The sample consists of longitudinal qualitative interview data (N = 28) with 9 boys and 19 girls aged 15 to 21. The participants were recruited through schools, social media and non-governmental organizations from mainly the Stockholm region and smaller towns in central Sweden to reach a heterogeneous sample in terms of sociodemographic factors and drinking practices. We interviewed the participants in-depth three times between 2017 and 2019. Thematic coding of the whole data with NVivo helped us select four cases for more detailed analysis, as they represented the typical trajectories and showed the variation in the material. We used the master narrative framework and Bamberg’s narrative positioning analysis to examine the data. The analysis demonstrates what kinds of narrative alignments in identity development encourage heavy drinking, moderate alcohol consumption, and fuel abstinence. The results suggest that the decline in youth drinking is produced by a co-effect of multiple master narratives that intersect and guide the identity development away from heavy drinking.



本研究分析了在青少年饮酒减少的情况下,新兴成年人如何协商他们与酒精的关系,以及这种关系如何随时间变化。样本由纵向定性访谈数据(N = 28) 有 9 名男孩和 19 名女孩,年龄在 15 至 21 岁之间。参与者是通过学校、社交媒体和非政府组织招募的,主要来自斯德哥尔摩地区和瑞典中部的小城镇,以获取社会人口因素和饮酒习惯。我们在 2017 年至 2019 年期间对参与者进行了 3 次深度访谈。 使用 NVivo 对整个数据进行主题编码帮助我们选择了四个案例进行更详细的分析,因为它们代表了典型的轨迹并显示了材料的变化。我们使用主叙事框架和班贝格的叙事定位分析来检验数据。该分析展示了身份发展中什么样的叙事一致性会鼓励大量饮酒、适度饮酒和节欲。
