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Dignity for Whom? How 4-Year Catholic Institutions Display Commitments to Diversity on Institutional Websites
Christian Higher Education Pub Date : 2021-10-25 , DOI: 10.1080/15363759.2021.1978902
Antonio Duran 1 , Zachary J. Hooten 2 , Musbah Shaheen 2


This article presents the findings of a content analysis study that examined how Catholic institutional websites displayed commitments to diversity through their publicly available websites. This research project used a conceptual framework exploring the phenomenon of organizational impression management, which is concerned with how institutions shape their image to various audiences. The literature on non-performative diversity language in higher education is reviewed, illustrating how colleges and universities may profess a commitment to diversity in the abstract without engaging in meaningful change. Using a sample of 54 institutions representing 22 of the 25 Catholic congregations (i.e., religious orders), we surveyed their websites to understand how and where they discussed topics of diversity. This process involved examining what specific language each institution used to articulate its commitments (e.g., diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice) and who was associated with diversity work. Findings revealed that a majority of institutional websites included references to diversity-related terms, but failed to define the meaning of the words being used. Additionally, findings indicated that Catholic higher education institutions widely varied in the positioning of diversity-related content on their websites. Suggestions for future research and implications for practice are then offered for religiously affiliated institutions of higher education.




本文介绍了一项内容分析研究的结果,该研究检查了天主教机构网站如何通过其公开网站显示对多样性的承诺。这个研究项目使用了一个概念框架来探索组织印象管理的现象,它关注机构如何塑造他们对不同受众的形象。回顾了有关高等教育中非执行性多样性语言的文献,说明了学院和大学如何在不进行有意义的改变的情况下,在抽象的情况下宣称对多样性的承诺。使用代表 25 个天主教会中的 22 个的 54 个机构(即宗教团体)的样本,我们调查了他们的网站,以了解他们讨论多样性主题的方式和地点。这个过程涉及检查每个机构使用什么特定语言来表达其承诺(例如,多样性、公平、包容、社会正义)以及谁与多样性工作相关联。调查结果显示,大多数机构网站都包含对多样性相关术语的引用,但未能定义所使用词语的含义。此外,调查结果表明,天主教高等教育机构在其网站上与多样性相关内容的定位差异很大。然后为宗教附属的高等教育机构提供未来研究的建议和对实践的影响。调查结果显示,大多数机构网站都包含对多样性相关术语的引用,但未能定义所使用词语的含义。此外,调查结果表明,天主教高等教育机构在其网站上与多样性相关内容的定位差异很大。然后为宗教附属的高等教育机构提供未来研究的建议和对实践的影响。调查结果显示,大多数机构网站都包含对多样性相关术语的引用,但未能定义所使用词语的含义。此外,调查结果表明,天主教高等教育机构在其网站上与多样性相关内容的定位差异很大。然后为宗教附属的高等教育机构提供未来研究的建议和对实践的影响。
