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Establishing the influence of case complexity on the order of cataract lists: a cross-sectional survey
BMJ Open Ophthalmology Pub Date : 2021-10-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bmjophth-2021-000809
Keri McLean 1 , Mariantonia Ferrara 2 , Rebecca Kaye 3 , Vito Romano 1 , Stephen Kaye 1

Objective Order of the theatre list and complexity of the cases are important considerations which are known to influence surgical outcomes. This survey aimed to establish their influence on cataract surgery. Methods and Analysis Cataract surgeons ordered five cataract cases according to their surgical preference, first using case notes and second using composite ORs (CORs) for posterior capsule rupture. Descriptive and non-parametric statistics were used to analyse the data. Results Between 11 June and 14 July 2020, 192 cataract surgeons from 14 countries completed the online survey. Majority of the surgeons (142 vs 50) preferred to choose the order of their list (p<0.01) and to review the case notes prior to the day of surgery (89 vs 53; p=0.04). 39.86% preferred to start with the less risky case and 32.43% reserved the last position on the list for the riskiest case. There was a significant trend to order the list in an ascending level of risk, independent of whether case notes or CORs were used. Additionally, 44.79% of the respondents indicated they would be happy to have their list order planned by an automated program based on their preferred risk score. Conclusion This survey demonstrates that cataract surgeons prefer to choose the order of their theatre list and that the order is dependent on the complexity of cases. There is support among surgeons for automated list ordering based on an objective score for risk stratification, such as a COR. All data relevant to the study are included in the article or uploaded as supplementary information.



客观 手术室列表的顺序和病例的复杂性是影响手术结果的重要考虑因素。这项调查旨在确定他们对白内障手术的影响。方法和分析 白内障外科医生根据他们的手术偏好订购了 5 例白内障病例,第一次使用病例记录,第二次使用复合 ORs (CORs) 治疗后囊膜破裂。描述性和非参数统计用于分析数据。结果 2020 年 6 月 11 日至 7 月 14 日期间,来自 14 个国家的 192 名白内障外科医生完成了在线调查。大多数外科医生(142 比 50)更愿意选择他们的列表顺序(p<0.01)并在手术当天之前查看病例记录(89 比 53;p=0.04)。39.86% 的人更喜欢从风险较小的案例开始,32%。43% 的人将名单上的最后一个位置保留给最危险的情况。无论是否使用案例说明或 COR,按照风险等级递增排列列表的趋势很明显。此外,44.79% 的受访者表示,他们很乐意让自动化程序根据他们偏好的风险评分来规划他们的列表顺序。结论 这项调查表明,白内障外科医生更愿意选择他们的手术室列表的顺序,并且顺序取决于病例的复杂性。外科医生支持基于风险分层的客观评分(例如 COR)进行自动列表排序。所有与研究相关的数据都包含在文章中或作为补充信息上传。无论是否使用案例说明或 COR,按照风险等级递增排列列表的趋势很明显。此外,44.79% 的受访者表示,他们很乐意让自动化程序根据他们偏好的风险评分来规划他们的列表顺序。结论 这项调查表明,白内障外科医生更愿意选择他们的手术室列表的顺序,并且顺序取决于病例的复杂性。外科医生支持基于风险分层的客观评分(例如 COR)进行自动列表排序。所有与研究相关的数据都包含在文章中或作为补充信息上传。无论是否使用案例说明或 COR,按照风险等级递增排列列表的趋势很明显。此外,44.79% 的受访者表示,他们很乐意让自动化程序根据他们偏好的风险评分来规划他们的列表顺序。结论 这项调查表明,白内障外科医生更愿意选择他们的手术室列表的顺序,并且顺序取决于病例的复杂性。外科医生支持基于风险分层的客观评分(例如 COR)进行自动列表排序。所有与研究相关的数据都包含在文章中或作为补充信息上传。79% 的受访者表示,他们很乐意让自动化程序根据他们偏好的风险评分来规划他们的列表顺序。结论 这项调查表明,白内障外科医生更愿意选择他们的手术室列表的顺序,并且顺序取决于病例的复杂性。外科医生支持基于风险分层的客观评分(例如 COR)进行自动列表排序。所有与研究相关的数据都包含在文章中或作为补充信息上传。79% 的受访者表示,他们很乐意让自动化程序根据他们偏好的风险评分来规划他们的列表顺序。结论 这项调查表明,白内障外科医生更愿意选择他们的手术室列表的顺序,并且顺序取决于病例的复杂性。外科医生支持基于风险分层的客观评分(例如 COR)进行自动列表排序。所有与研究相关的数据都包含在文章中或作为补充信息上传。外科医生支持基于风险分层的客观评分(例如 COR)进行自动列表排序。所有与研究相关的数据都包含在文章中或作为补充信息上传。外科医生支持基于风险分层的客观评分(例如 COR)进行自动列表排序。所有与研究相关的数据都包含在文章中或作为补充信息上传。