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Measurement and Analysis of Through Glass Via Noise Coupling and Shielding Structures in a Glass Interposer
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-17 , DOI: 10.1109/temc.2021.3059846
Gapyeol Park , Youngwoo Kim , Kyungjun Cho , Junyong Park , Insu Hwang , Jihye Kim , Kyungjune Son , Hyunwook Park , Atom O. Watanabe , Pulugurtha Markondeya Raj , Rao R. Tummala , Joungho Kim

In this article, we first measured through glass via (TGV) noise coupling and the effectiveness of shielding structures in a glass interposer. To analyze the noise coupling between signal TGVs, an open-ended structure is adopted. Glass interposer test vehicles were fabricated to verify the noise coupling between signal TGVs. With these test vehicles, noise transfer functions between signal TGVs were measured. Based on these measurement results and the equivalent circuit model, the noise coupling between signal TGVs was analyzed. To suppress this TGV noise coupling, shielding structures for the TGV noise coupling were proposed and verified. The proposed shielding structures include the variation of signal TGV pitches and the number of grounded shield TGVs, ground pads, and guard rings, respectively. The effectiveness of the proposed shielding structures was verified up to 20 GHz in frequency-domain measurements. Using the proposed shielding structures, the noise transfer function decreased by 9.4 dB at 5 GHz. Also, the effectiveness of the proposed guard ring structure was verified by a time-domain coupling noise simulation with clock signals at frequencies of 1 GHz. The proposed guard ring successfully suppressed the clock noise coupling between signal TGVs by 60.5% and 69.2% when a signal TGV pitchis 300 and 900 $\mu {\text{m}}$ , respectively.



在本文中,我们首先测量了玻璃通孔 (TGV) 噪声耦合和玻璃中介层中屏蔽结构的有效性。为了分析信号TGV之间的噪声耦合,采用了开放式结构。制造玻璃中介层测试车辆以验证信号 TGV 之间的噪声耦合。使用这些测试车辆,测量了信号 TGV 之间的噪声传递函数。基于这些测量结果和等效电路模型,分析了信号TGV之间的噪声耦合。为了抑制这种 TGV 噪声耦合,提出并验证了用于 TGV 噪声耦合的屏蔽结构。建议的屏蔽结构包括信号 TGV 间距的变化和接地屏蔽 TGV、接地焊盘和保护环的数量。所提出的屏蔽结构的有效性在频域测量中得到了高达 20 GHz 的验证。使用建议的屏蔽结构,噪声传递函数在 5 GHz 时降低了 9.4 dB。此外,所提出的保护环结构的有效性通过时域耦合噪声仿真与频率为 1 GHz 的时钟信号进行了验证。当信号 TGV 间距为 300 和 900 时,所提出的保护环成功地将信号 TGV 之间的时钟噪声耦合抑制了 60.5% 和 69.2%$\mu {\text{m}}$ , 分别。