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Delegating SovereigntyChapter 5: Governing Sovereignty: Negotiating French Absolutism in Europe
European Journal of International Law ( IF 1.734 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-19 , DOI: 10.1093/ejil/chab084
Daniel Lee 1

Chapter 5 of Martti Koskenniemi’s monumental work of legal scholarship considers the construction of the modern state as the chief subject of modern public international law and invites us to revisit that experience in one of the major centres of early modern statecraft – France during the absolutist reign of the Sun King, Louis XIV. In exploring this theme, chapter 5 investigates the intellectual legacy of statecraft and raison d’état in the theoretical works of jurists and state officials such as Jean Bodin, Charles Loyseau, Jean Domat, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, the Cardinal Richelieu and the Chancellor Henri François d’Aguesseau. Yet, it also raises one of the most fundamental...


Delegating Sovereignty第5章:管理主权:在欧洲谈判法国专制主义

马尔蒂·科斯肯涅米 (Martti Koskenniemi) 的巨大法律学术著作的第 5 章将现代国家的建设视为现代国际公法的主要主题,并邀请我们重新审视在早期现代治国方略的主要中心之一——法国专制统治时期的经验。太阳王,路易十四。在探讨这一主题时,第 5 章调查了让·博丹、查尔斯·洛伊索、让·多马特、让-巴蒂斯特·科尔伯特、红衣主教黎塞留和总理亨利等法学家和国家官员的理论著作中的治国方略和存在理由的知识遗产弗朗索瓦·达格索。然而,它也提出了一个最基本的……