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Path dependency, regional variety and the dynamics of new firm creation in rooted and pioneering industries
Journal of Economic Geography ( IF 5.117 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-07 , DOI: 10.1093/jeg/lbab021
Carlo Corradini 1 , Enrico Vanino 2

This paper explores regional firm entry connecting insights on the role of localised path dependency with the analysis of variety in regional sectoral structures. Using data on 700 SIC5 industries across 174 NUTS3 regions in the UK between 2000 and 2014, we provide evidence of positive complementarities between industrial path dependence and regional-related variety for firm entry in rooted pre-existing industries. These are negative for entry of pioneering firms in industries new to the region, pointing to lock-in effects and the role of unrelated variety in fostering linkages and knowledge spillovers away from established trajectories.



本文探讨了区域企业进入,将本地路径依赖作用的见解与区域部门结构的多样性分析联系起来。使用 2000 年至 2014 年间英国 174 个 NUTS3 地区的 700 个 SIC5 行业的数据,我们为企业进入根深蒂固的现有行业提供了行业路径依赖和区域相关多样性之间正互补性的证据。这些对于进入该地区新行业的先驱公司来说是不利的,这表明了锁定效应和不相关的多样性在促进联系和知识溢出方面的作用,使其远离既定轨迹。