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Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pregnancy.
Obstetrics and Gynecology ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-9 , DOI: 10.1097/aog.0000000000004559
Andra H James 1

Anemia is defined as a low red blood cell count, a low hematocrit, or a low hemoglobin concentration. In pregnancy, a hemoglobin concentration of less than 11.0 g/dL in the first trimester and less than 10.5 or 11.0 g/dL in the second or third trimester (depending on the guideline used) is considered anemia. Anemia is the most common hematologic abnormality in pregnancy. Maternal anemia is associated with adverse fetal, neonatal and childhood outcomes, but causality is not established. Maternal anemia increases the likelihood of transfusion at delivery. Besides hemodilution, iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia in pregnancy. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends screening for anemia with a complete blood count in the first trimester and again at 24 0/7 to 28 6/7 weeks of gestation. Mild anemia, with a hemoglobin of 10.0 g/dL or higher and a mildly low or normal mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is likely iron deficiency anemia. A trial of oral iron can be both diagnostic and therapeutic. Mild anemia with a very low MCV, macrocytic anemia, moderate anemia (hemoglobin 7.0-9.9 g/dL) or severe anemia (hemoglobin 4.0-6.9 g/dL) requires further investigation. Once a diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia is confirmed, first-line treatment is oral iron. New evidence suggests that intermittent dosing is as effective as daily or twice-daily dosing with fewer side effects. For patients with iron deficiency anemia who cannot tolerate, cannot absorb, or do not respond to oral iron, intravenous iron is preferred. With contemporary formulations, allergic reactions are rare.



贫血被定义为低红细胞计数、低血细胞比容或低血红蛋白浓度。在怀孕期间,妊娠早期血红蛋白浓度低于 11.0 g/dL,妊娠中期或晚期血红蛋白浓度低于 10.5 或 11.0 g/dL(取决于所使用的指南)被认为是贫血。贫血是妊娠期最常见的血液学异常。产妇贫血与不利的胎儿、新生儿和儿童结局有关,但因果关系尚未确定。产妇贫血会增加分娩时输血的可能性。除了血液稀释外,缺铁是孕期贫血的最常见原因。美国妇产科医师学会建议在妊娠头三个月和妊娠 24 0/7 至 28 6/7 周用全血细胞计数筛查贫血。轻度贫血,血红蛋白为 10.0 g/dL 或更高且平均红细胞体积 (MCV) 略低或正常的患者可能是缺铁性贫血。口服铁剂的试验既可以诊断也可以治疗。MCV 极低的轻度贫血、巨细胞性贫血、中度贫血(血红蛋白 7.0-9.9 g/dL)或重度贫血(血红蛋白 4.0-6.9 g/dL)需要进一步检查。一旦确诊缺铁性贫血,一线治疗是口服铁剂。新的证据表明,间歇给药与每天或每天两次给药一样有效,副作用更少。对于不能耐受、不能吸收或对口服铁剂无反应的缺铁性贫血患者,首选静脉补铁。使用现代配方,过敏反应很少见。0 g/dL 或更高且平均红细胞体积 (MCV) 略低或正常可能是缺铁性贫血。口服铁剂的试验既可以诊断也可以治疗。MCV 极低的轻度贫血、巨红细胞性贫血、中度贫血(血红蛋白 7.0-9.9 g/dL)或重度贫血(血红蛋白 4.0-6.9 g/dL)需要进一步检查。一旦确诊缺铁性贫血,一线治疗是口服铁剂。新的证据表明,间歇给药与每天或每天两次给药一样有效,副作用更少。对于不能耐受、不能吸收或对口服铁剂无反应的缺铁性贫血患者,首选静脉补铁。使用现代配方,过敏反应很少见。0 g/dL 或更高且平均红细胞体积 (MCV) 略低或正常可能是缺铁性贫血。口服铁剂的试验既可以诊断也可以治疗。MCV 极低的轻度贫血、巨红细胞性贫血、中度贫血(血红蛋白 7.0-9.9 g/dL)或重度贫血(血红蛋白 4.0-6.9 g/dL)需要进一步检查。一旦确诊缺铁性贫血,一线治疗是口服铁剂。新的证据表明,间歇给药与每天或每天两次给药一样有效,副作用更少。对于不能耐受、不能吸收或对口服铁剂无反应的缺铁性贫血患者,首选静脉补铁。使用现代配方,过敏反应很少见。MCV 极低的轻度贫血、巨红细胞性贫血、中度贫血(血红蛋白 7.0-9.9 g/dL)或重度贫血(血红蛋白 4.0-6.9 g/dL)需要进一步检查。一旦确诊缺铁性贫血,一线治疗是口服铁剂。新的证据表明,间歇给药与每天或每天两次给药一样有效,副作用更少。对于不能耐受、不能吸收或对口服铁剂无反应的缺铁性贫血患者,首选静脉补铁。使用现代配方,过敏反应很少见。MCV 极低的轻度贫血、巨红细胞性贫血、中度贫血(血红蛋白 7.0-9.9 g/dL)或重度贫血(血红蛋白 4.0-6.9 g/dL)需要进一步检查。一旦确诊缺铁性贫血,一线治疗是口服铁剂。新的证据表明,间歇给药与每天或每天两次给药一样有效,副作用更少。对于不能耐受、不能吸收或对口服铁剂无反应的缺铁性贫血患者,首选静脉补铁。使用现代配方,过敏反应很少见。新的证据表明,间歇给药与每天或每天两次给药一样有效,副作用更少。对于不能耐受、不能吸收或对口服铁剂无反应的缺铁性贫血患者,首选静脉补铁。使用现代配方,过敏反应很少见。新的证据表明,间歇给药与每天或每天两次给药一样有效,副作用更少。对于不能耐受、不能吸收或对口服铁剂无反应的缺铁性贫血患者,首选静脉补铁。使用现代配方,过敏反应很少见。