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Monetary incentives increase COVID-19 vaccinations
Science ( IF 56.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-07 , DOI: 10.1126/science.abm0475
Pol Campos-Mercade 1 , Armando N Meier 2, 3 , Florian H Schneider 4 , Stephan Meier 5 , Devin Pope 6, 7 , Erik Wengström 8, 9, 10

Stalling COVID-19 vaccination rates threaten public health. To increase vaccination rates, governments across the globe are considering using monetary incentives. We present evidence on the effect of guaranteed payments on COVID-19 vaccination uptake. We ran a large pre-registered randomized controlled trial (N = 8,286) in Sweden and linked the data to population-wide administrative vaccination records. We found that modest monetary payments of $24 (SEK 200) increased vaccination rates by 4.2 percentage points (p = 0.005), from a baseline rate of 71.6%. In contrast, behavioral nudges increased stated intentions to vaccinate but had only small and not statistically significant impacts on vaccination rates. The results highlight the potential of modest monetary incentives to increase vaccination rates.


货币激励措施增加 COVID-19 疫苗接种

停滞不前的 COVID-19 疫苗接种率威胁公共健康。为了提高疫苗接种率,全球各国政府都在考虑使用货币激励措施。我们提供了关于保证付款对 COVID-19 疫苗接种的影响的证据。我们在瑞典进行了一项大型预先注册的随机对照试验(N = 8,286),并将数据与全人群的行政疫苗接种记录联系起来。我们发现,24 美元(200 瑞典克朗)的适度货币支付将疫苗接种率从 71.6% 的基线率提高了 4.2 个百分点(p = 0.005)。相比之下,行为轻推增加了疫苗接种的声明意图,但对疫苗接种率的影响很小且没有统计学意义。结果突出了适度货币激励措施提高疫苗接种率的潜力。