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Sexual Orientation and Organizational Justice in the Federal Service: Exploring Differences through an Intersectional Lens
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory ( IF 6.160 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-30 , DOI: 10.1093/jopart/muab041
Gregory B Lewis 1 , M Blake Emidy 2

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) employees perceive less justice in the federal service than do their heterosexual colleagues. The “double jeopardy” hypothesis suggests that this will be especially true for LGBTs with a second stigmatized identity, but intersectionality theory is less clear about whether being LGBT will have a larger impact on other marginalized groups than on gay white men. Using a series of regression analyses applied to the 2012–15 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, we investigate whether differences in organizational justice perceptions between LGBT and heterosexual employees are wider among people with other stigmatized identities. We find strong evidence of compounding effects: LGBT–heterosexual differences in perceptions of organizational justice are larger for women than for men, for people of color than for whites, for employees with than without disabilities, and for those earlier in their careers and at lower levels of the federal hierarchy. Anti-LGBT discrimination disproportionately affects LGBTs in weaker positions in society and the federal service. These findings contribute to the broader fields of public administration and diversity management by incorporating an intersectional framework to understand LGBT perceptions and experiences in public organizations.



女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋和跨性别 (LGBT) 员工在联邦服务中的公平程度低于他们的异性恋同事。“双重危险”假设表明,这对于具有第二个被污名化身份的 LGBT 而言尤其如此,但交叉性理论对于 LGBT 是否会对其他边缘化群体产生比同性恋白人男性更大的影响尚不清楚。使用应用于 2012-15 年联邦员工观点调查的一系列回归分析,我们调查了 LGBT 和异性恋员工之间的组织正义感知差异是否在具有其他污名化身份的人中更大。我们发现了复合效应的有力证据:LGBT-异性恋对组织正义的感知差异对于女性来说比男性更大,对有色人种来说,对有色人种来说比对白人来说,对有残疾的员工比对没有残疾的员工来说,对那些职业生涯早期和联邦等级较低的人来说。反 LGBT 歧视不成比例地影响社会和联邦服务中处于弱势地位的 LGBT。这些发现通过整合一个交叉框架来了解公共组织中 LGBT 的看法和经验,从而有助于更广泛的公共行政和多样性管理领域。