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Agroecological pest and disease control: the result of action research in agrarian reform settlement
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-06 , DOI: 10.1080/21683565.2021.1983741
Rodrigo Fernandes de Oliveira 1 , Irene Maria Cardoso 1, 2 , Cristine Carole Muggler 2 , Adalgisa de Jesus Pereira 3 , Davi Lopes do Carmo 1


Following the principles of action research, a participatory experimentation was carried out in an agrarian reform settlement to control pest and disease with local available resources. After a collective discussion on the problems and recommending solutions by the participants, three experiments were conducted in two gardens in the settlement. The problems identified were aphid and caterpillar in cabbages, black spot in papaya fruit and purple spot in chives. The use of EM (Efficient Microorganisms) applied to the soil controlled cabbage aphid and caterpillar and pepper extract controlled black spot. Forest litter, EM and bokashi were tested to control purple spot. Forest litter and bokashi together with EM controlled purple spot, but chive production was greater with the application of bokashi and EM. Participatory experimentation, as part of action research, was appropriate for the collective construction of knowledge about the phytosanitary problems. The research carried out can be considered an example of contextualized research, as desirable in agroecology.




按照行动研究的原则,在一个土改聚居地开展参与式试验,利用当地现有资源控制病虫害。在与会人员集体讨论问题并提出解决方案后,在聚落的两个花园中进行了三个实验。发现的问题是卷心菜中的蚜虫和毛虫,木瓜果实中的黑斑病和韭菜中的紫斑病。EM(高效微生物)的使用应用于土壤控制的甘蓝蚜虫和毛虫和辣椒提取物控制的黑斑病。测试森林枯枝落叶、EM 和bokashi以控制紫斑病。森林垃圾和博卡西与EM一起控制紫斑病,但韭菜产量随着bokashi和EM的应用而增加。作为行动研究的一部分,参与式试验适合于集体构建有关植物检疫问题的知识。所进行的研究可以被视为情境化研究的一个例子,这在农业生态学中是可取的。
