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Screening for Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Dogs
Journal of Veterinary Cardiology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jvc.2021.09.004
G Wess 1


Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is the most common cardiac disease in large breed dogs. The disease can start with arrhythmias, or with systolic dysfunction of the myocardium.


To describe screening methods for DCM in various breeds and provide a new, modified staging system.


Screening for occult DCM should start at three years of age and use Holter monitoring in Boxers, Dobermans and might be useful also in other breeds. Single ventricular premature complexes (VPCs) can be detected in many healthy dogs, but healthy animals typically have < 50 VPCs in 24 hours and demonstrate minimal complexity most often occurring only as single ectopic beats. In general, > 100 VPCs in 24 hours was recommended as the cut-off value for establishing a diagnosis of DCM. However, there are breed specific recommendations related to Holter recording diagnosis of DCM Doberman and Boxer. Yearly screening over the life of the dog is recommended, as a one-time screening is not sufficient to rule out future development of DCM. Several echocardiographic methods such as M-Mode derived measurements, the measurement of the left ventricular (LV) volume by Simpson’s method of discs (SMOD), E-point to septal separation (EPSS) are recommended for screening purposes. The value of additional tests such as cardiac biomarkers (Troponin I and N-Terminal pro-B type Natriuretic Peptide) as well as a five-minute resting electrocardiogram (ECG) or newer echocardiographic methods such as strain measurements is discussed.


This review about screening for DCM suggests some guidelines for screening for DCM in various breeds.




扩张型心肌病 (DCM) 是大型犬最常见的心脏病。这种疾病可以从心律失常或心肌收缩功能障碍开始。


描述各种品种中 DCM 的筛选方法,并提供一种新的、改进的分期系统。


筛查隐匿性 DCM 应从三岁开始,并在拳击犬、杜宾犬中使用动态心电图监测,并且可能对其他品种也有用。在许多健康的狗中可以检测到单个室性早搏 (VPC),但健康动物通常在 24 小时内具有 < 50 个 VPC,并且表现出最简单的复杂性,最常仅作为单个异位搏动发生。一般来说,推荐在 24 小时内 > 100 个 VPC 作为建立 DCM 诊断的临界值。然而,有一些与 DCM 杜宾犬和拳击手的动态心电图记录诊断相关的具体建议。建议在狗的一生中每年进行一次筛查,因为一次性筛查不足以排除 DCM 的未来发展。几种超声心动图方法,例如 M 模式衍生测量,推荐使用 Simpson 椎间盘法 (SMOD) 测量左心室 (LV) 容积,E 点到间隔分离 (EPSS) 建议用于筛查目的。讨论了额外测试的价值,例如心脏生物标志物(肌钙蛋白 I 和 N-末端 pro-B 型利钠肽)以及五分钟静息心电图 (ECG) 或更新的超声心动图方法,例如应变测量。


这篇关于筛查 DCM 的评论提出了一些在各种品种中筛查 DCM 的指南。
