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Determining quantum phase diagrams of topological Kitaev-inspired models on NISQ quantum hardware
Quantum ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-28 , DOI: 10.22331/q-2021-09-28-553
Xiao Xiao 1 , J. K. Freericks 2 , A. F. Kemper 1

Topological protection is employed in fault-tolerant error correction and in developing quantum algorithms with topological qubits. But, topological protection $\textit{intrinsic to models being simulated}$, also robustly protects calculations, even on NISQ hardware. We leverage it by simulating Kitaev-inspired models on IBM quantum computers and accurately determining their phase diagrams. This requires constructing conventional quantum circuits for Majorana braiding to prepare the ground states of Kitaev-inspired models. The entanglement entropy is then measured to calculate the quantum phase boundaries. We show how maintaining particle-hole symmetry when sampling through the Brillouin zone is critical to obtaining high accuracy. This work illustrates how topological protection intrinsic to a quantum model can be employed to perform robust calculations on NISQ hardware, when one measures the appropriate protected quantum properties. It opens the door for further simulation of topological quantum models on quantum hardware available today.


在 NISQ 量子硬件上确定拓扑 Kitaev 启发模型的量子相图

拓扑保护用于容错纠错和开发具有拓扑量子位的量子算法。但是,即使在 NISQ 硬件上,拓扑保护 $\textit{被模拟的模型所固有}$ 也能有力地保护计算。我们通过在 IBM 量子计算机上模拟受 Kitaev 启发的模型并准确确定它们的相图来利用它。这需要为 Majorana 编织构建传统的量子电路,以准备受 Kitaev 启发的模型的基态。然后测量纠缠熵以计算量子相界。我们展示了在通过布里渊区采样时保持粒子孔对称性如何对获得高精度至关重要。这项工作说明了当测量适当的受保护量子特性时,如何利用量子模型固有的拓扑保护在 NISQ 硬件上执行稳健的计算。它为在当今可用的量子硬件上进一步模拟拓扑量子模型打开了大门。