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Human insecurity and psychological well-being in migrants hosted in a Nigerian transit center: A qualitative exploration on risk and protective factors
International Social Work ( IF 2.071 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-28 , DOI: 10.1177/00208728211034223
Guido Veronese 1 , Diego Romaioli 2 , Rachel Pancake 3 , Marzia Vigliaroni 4

Our explorative work aimed to qualitatively analyze the factors affecting human security and psychological well-being in a group of migrants temporarily hosted in a Nigerian transit center. The study involved 250 migrants from different Western and sub-Saharan African countries who were interviewed during their stay in International Organization for Migration – supported transit centers. Thematic content analysis was performed on the texts of the interviews. Motivations for departure from the home country, resources available for migrants’ sense of security, expectations for their future, experience in the host country, and the relationship between human insecurity and life satisfaction were the main emerging themes.



我们的探索性工作旨在定性分析影响临时收容在尼日利亚中转中心的一组移民的人类安全和心理健康的因素。该研究涉及来自不同西部和撒哈拉以南非洲国家的 250 名移民,他们在国际移民组织支持的中转中心逗留期间接受了采访。对访谈文本进行了主题内容分析。离开母国的动机、可用于移民安全感的资源、对未来的期望、在东道国的经历以及人类不安全感与生活满意度之间的关系是主要的新兴主题。
