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Software toolchain to enhance the management and integration of a sustainable campus model
Energy Informatics Pub Date : 2021-09-24 , DOI: 10.1186/s42162-021-00154-8
Luiz C. P. da Silva 1 , Paulo C. M. Meira 1 , João G. I. Cypriano 1 , Hader A. D. Azzini 1 , Athila Q. Santos 2

The aim of this article is to describe a novel ICT-centred methodology and software toolchain to enhance the management of a Smart Campus. The project will be implemented at the University of Campinas through a partnership between UNICAMP, CPFL (local Utility Distribution Company) and the University of Southern Denmark. This project was recently submitted to a strategic and priority call from the Brazilian Regulatory Agency (National Electric Energy Agency – ANEEL, acronym in Portuguese). The project integrates energy efficiency with research and development in distributed generation with an innovative IoT-based DMS energy management tool. These actions comply with the ISCN/GULF Sustainable Campus Chapter policies, signed by UNICAMP a few years ago. This paper is important because it will result in a replicable model for sustainable campuses, with a detailed step-by-step procedure covering local mini-grid EMS, IoT DMS, Mobility, real-time retrofitted efficiency and institutional energy governance.



本文的目的是描述一种以 ICT 为中心的新方法和软件工具链,以加强智能校园的管理。该项目将通过 UNICAMP、CPFL(当地公用事业配送公司)和南丹麦大学之间的合作在坎皮纳斯大学实施。该项目最近已提交给巴西监管机构(国家电力能源局 - ANEEL,葡萄牙语首字母缩写词)的战略和优先呼叫。该项目通过创新的基于物联网的 DMS 能源管理工具将能源效率与分布式发电的研发相结合。这些行动符合几年前由 UNICAMP 签署的 ISCN/GULF 可持续校园分会政策。这篇论文很重要,因为它将为可持续校园提供可复制的模型,