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Small in value, important in essence: lessons learnt from a decade of implementing the European Small Claims Procedure in Italy and Belgium
Journal of Private International Law Pub Date : 2021-09-22 , DOI: 10.1080/17441048.2021.1953733
Marco Giacalone , Irene Abignente , Seyedeh Sajedeh Salehi

This article examines the extent to which the European Small Claims Procedure (ESCP) has served the main purpose of the EU legislature to establish a legal framework to improve access to justice for creditors of cross-border small claims through a simplified, expedited and inexpensive redress mechanism. This article first analyses the implementation of the ESCP in Italy and Belgium. These two countries were chosen because of the authors’ research on the Small Claims Analysis Net (SCAN) Project (The SCAN Project was initiated in 2018 as a two-year project with the fundamental aim of evaluating the efficiency of the European Small Claims Procedure within several EU Member States (France, Belgium, Italy, Slovenia, and Lithuania), besides raising awareness of this procedure among consumers and other judicial stakeholders. For the conducted activities as part of the SCAN project, see http://www.scanproject.eu accessed on 24 February 2021). The second part of this article deals with the impact of this regulatory instrument on access to justice for citizens, in view of the principle of judicial efficiency. Finally, this article focuses on the possibility of using this instrument for collective redress, on the one hand, and linking this procedure to online dispute resolution, on the other.



本文探讨了欧洲小额索赔程序 (ESCP) 在多大程度上服务于欧盟立法机构的主要目的,即建立一个法律框架,通过简化、快速和廉价的补救措施来改善跨境小额索赔的债权人诉诸司法的机会。机制。本文首先分析了ESCP在意大利和比利时的实施情况。之所以选择这两个国家,是因为作者对小额索赔分析网 (SCAN) 项目(SCAN 项目于 2018 年启动,作为一个为期两年的项目,其基本目的是评估欧洲小额索赔程序的效率)几个欧盟成员国(法国、比利时、意大利、斯洛文尼亚和立陶宛),此外还提高了消费者和其他司法利益相关者对这一程序的认识。有关作为 SCAN 项目一部分开展的活动,请参阅 http://www.scanproject.eu 于 2021 年 2 月 24 日访问)。本文的第二部分考虑到司法效率原则,讨论了该监管文书对公民诉诸司法的影响。最后,本文一方面侧重于使用该工具进行集体补救的可能性,另一方面将这一程序与在线争议解决联系起来。
