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Long-lived population demographics in a declining, vulnerable fishery — bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) of Jamestown Reservoir, North Dakota
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-09 , DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2020-0485
Alec R. Lackmann 1 , Brandon J. Kratz 2 , Ewelina S. Bielak-Lackmann 3 , Reed I. Jacobson 4 , Derek J. Sauer 5 , Allen H. Andrews 6 , Malcolm G Butler 7 , Mark E. Clark 1

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Ahead of Print.
Despite decades of commercial harvest of bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) from Jamestown Reservoir, North Dakota, and the recent rapid growth of sport bowfishing that targets this species, there is a lack of biological information on this native catostomid. At present, no-limit recreational and commercial harvest of bigmouth buffalo occurs in North Dakota, with no harvest-reporting for recreational take. A long-lived life history was recently documented for this species, with a life-span exceeding 100 years. At Jamestown Reservoir, bigmouth buffalo were aged to 58 years of age, with onset of sexual maturity 10 years for females. Evidence for episodic recruitment over a 60-year period was in 1962–1979, 1993–2011, and 2017, with recruitment success more likely during non-drought periods. Annual commercial harvest data from this reservoir indicate bigmouth buffalo have declined significantly over the past 30 years, most precipitously since 2010 during the bowfishing era. The demographic patterns, episodic recruitment, and harvest changes observed in this population are relevant for informing management of bigmouth buffalo and other long-lived freshwater fishes.


北达科他州詹姆斯敦水库的大口水牛 (Ictiobus cyprinellus) 处于衰落、脆弱的渔业中的长寿人口统计数据

尽管数十年来对来自北达科他州詹姆斯敦水库的大口水牛(Ictiobus cyprinellus)进行了商业收获,并且最近针对该物种的运动弓钓活动迅速增长,但仍缺乏关于这种本地 catostomid 的生物学信息。目前,北达科他州对大口水牛进行了无限制的娱乐和商业收获,没有娱乐性捕获的收获报告。最近记录了该物种的长寿生活史,寿命超过 100 年。在詹姆斯敦水库,大口水牛的年龄为 58 岁,雌性的性成熟开始时间为 10 年。1962-1979、1993-2011 和 2017 年 60 年间断断续续招募的证据,在非干旱时期更有可能招募成功。该水库的年度商业捕捞数据表明,在过去 30 年中,大嘴水牛的数量显着减少,自 2010 年弓箭捕鱼时代以来最为急剧。在该种群中观察到的人口模式、偶发性招募和收获变化与大口水牛和其他长寿淡水鱼的管理相关。