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Reproductive tract microbiota of women in childbearing age shifts upon gynecological infections and menstrual cycle
BMC Microbiology ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-21 , DOI: 10.1186/s12866-021-02300-4
Lijuan Cheng 1, 2 , Yan Gao 3 , Qing Xia 4 , Hui Wang 2 , Xiuzhen Xie 2 , Yurong Liu 5 , Heying Shang 2 , Yutao Diao 1

This study was undertaken to discover whether the vaginal microbe of women at childbearing age is different among groups defined by urogenital tract infections, childbearing history and menstrual cycle, respectively. This was a multiple case-control study of women at childbearing age who were assigned to case or control groups according to their states of urogenital tract infections. The participants were also grouped by childbearing history and menstrual cycle. Vaginal swabs were collected and stored at − 70 °C until assayed. The V3-V4 region of 16S rRNA gene was amplified using PCR and sequenced on the Illumina MiSeq platform. We tested the hypothesis of whether the relative abundance of microbial species in vaginal microbiota was varied with urogenital tract infections, childbearing history and menstrual cycle. The vaginal microbial richness (Alpha diversity measured by PD_whole tree) was decreased in normal women (without reproductive tract infections) than in those with bacterial vaginosis (BV), and decreased in pregnant women than in other groups of non-pregnancy. Similarly, women from groups of normal and in pregnancy had lower beta diversity on measure of unweighted_unifrac distance in comparison to those of infected and non-pregnant. The top 10 genus relative abundance, especially Lactobacillus, which was the most dominant genus with the relative abundance of 71.55% among all samples, did not differ significantly between groups of childbearing history and menstrual cycle analyzed by ANOVA and nonparametric kruskal_wallis. Lactobacillus iners and Lactobacillus helveticus have the most abundance, totally account for 97.92% relative abundance of genus Lactobacillus. We also found that a higher L.helveticus/L.iners ratio is more likely to present in normal women than in the infected and in pregnant than in non-pregnant, although these comparisons lack statistical significance. The relative abundance of dominant bacterial taxa in vaginal microbial communities of women at childbearing age were not different among groups of childbearing history and menstrual cycle. Women from groups of in pregnancy and without reproductive tract infections had lower alpha and beta diversity. The composition of the main lactobacillus species may shift upon phases of a menstrual cycle and the status of reproductive tract infections.



本研究旨在发现育龄妇女的阴道微生物在分别由泌尿生殖道感染、生育史和月经周期定义的组中是否存在差异。这是一项针对育龄妇女的多病例对照研究,她们根据泌尿生殖道感染的状态被分配到病例组或对照组。参与者还按生育史和月经周期分组。收集阴道拭子并储存在 - 70 °C 直至进行分析。使用 PCR 扩增 16S rRNA 基因的 V3-V4 区域,并在 Illumina MiSeq 平台上进行测序。我们检验了阴道微生物群中微生物种类的相对丰度是否随泌尿生殖道感染、生育史和月经周期而变化的假设。与细菌性阴道病 (BV) 相比,正常女性(无生殖道感染)的阴道微生物丰富度(通过 PD_whole 树测量的 Alpha 多样性)降低,而孕妇的阴道微生物丰富度(通过 PD_whole 树测量的 Alpha 多样性)低于其他非妊娠组。同样,与感染和未怀孕的女性相比,来自正常人群和妊娠期的女性在 unweighted_unifrac 距离上的 β 多样性较低。通过方差分析和非参数 kruskal_wallis 分析,前 10 个属的相对丰度,特别是乳杆菌属,它是最主要的属,相对丰度为 71.55%,在生育史和月经周期组之间没有显着差异。Lactobacillus iners 和 Lactobacillus helveticus 含量最多,共占 97 种。乳酸杆菌属的相对丰度为 92%。我们还发现,正常女性比感染者和孕妇比非孕妇更容易出现瑞士乳杆菌/L.iners 比率,尽管这些比较缺乏统计学意义。育龄妇女阴道微生物群落中优势细菌类群的相对丰度在生育史和月经周期组之间没有差异。来自怀孕和没有生殖道感染的女性群体的α和β多样性较低。主要乳酸菌种类的组成可能会随着月经周期的各个阶段和生殖道感染的状态而变化。iners 比率在正常女性中比在感染者和孕妇中更可能出现,尽管这些比较缺乏统计学意义。育龄妇女阴道微生物群落中优势细菌类群的相对丰度在生育史和月经周期组之间没有差异。来自怀孕和没有生殖道感染的女性群体的α和β多样性较低。主要乳酸菌种类的组成可能会随着月经周期的各个阶段和生殖道感染的状态而变化。iners 比率在正常女性中比在感染者和孕妇中更可能出现,尽管这些比较缺乏统计学意义。育龄妇女阴道微生物群落中优势细菌类群的相对丰度在生育史和月经周期组之间没有差异。来自怀孕和没有生殖道感染的女性群体的α和β多样性较低。主要乳酸菌种类的组成可能会随着月经周期的各个阶段和生殖道感染的状态而变化。育龄妇女阴道微生物群落中优势细菌类群的相对丰度在生育史和月经周期组之间没有差异。来自怀孕和没有生殖道感染的女性群体的α和β多样性较低。主要乳酸菌种类的组成可能会随着月经周期的各个阶段和生殖道感染的状态而变化。育龄妇女阴道微生物群落中优势细菌类群的相对丰度在生育史和月经周期组之间没有差异。来自怀孕和没有生殖道感染的女性群体的α和β多样性较低。主要乳酸菌种类的组成可能会随着月经周期的各个阶段和生殖道感染的状态而变化。