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“Trump and racial equality in America? No pretense at all!”
Policy Studies ( IF 2.152 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-20 , DOI: 10.1080/01442872.2021.1979502
Paula D. McClain 1


This article explores the effects of the Trump administration’s racist words, policies, and behaviours on the increased racial divisions in the United States and the erosion of faith in American institutions. Many Americans have come to recognize that racial injustice is an enduring feature of American society. Recent events, such as the murder of George Floyd, have led to calls for racial justice. What is the definition of racial justice and how is it related to the concepts of structural inequality, systemic racism, structural racism, and institutional racism? The questions arises: What does racial justice look like in the present atmosphere in the United States? Is racial justice possible in a society riven by racial inequality? What about the wounds and scars from four years of Trump and his administration? Using a practical and policy-oriented definition of racial justice shows that Trump and his administration were not merely unconcerned about racial justice issues, but that they actually appeared to set out to exacerbate and inflame racial issues in the United States. Moreover, the damage done to the progress of America’s communities of colour, especially Black Americans, continues to manifest itself, despite Trump no longer being in office.




本文探讨了特朗普政府的种族主义言论、政策和行为对美国日益加剧的种族分裂以及对美国机构信仰的侵蚀的影响。许多美国人开始认识到种族不公正是美国社会的一个持久特征。最近的事件,例如乔治·弗洛伊德 (George Floyd) 被谋杀,引发了对种族正义的呼吁。种族正义的定义是什么,它与结构性不平等、系统性种族主义、结构性种族主义和制度性种族主义的概念有何关联?问题出现了:在美国目前的氛围中,种族正义是什么样子的?在一个因种族不平等而分裂的社会中,种族正义是否可能?特朗普和他的政府四年的伤口和疤痕呢?使用实用且以政策为导向的种族正义定义表明,特朗普及其政府不仅不关心种族正义问题,而且实际上似乎开始加剧和激化美国的种族问题。此外,尽管特朗普不再执政,但对美国有色人种社区,尤其是美国黑人的进步造成的损害继续显现出来。但他们实际上似乎开始加剧和激化美国的种族问题。此外,尽管特朗普不再执政,但对美国有色人种社区,尤其是美国黑人的进步造成的损害继续显现出来。但他们实际上似乎开始加剧和激化美国的种族问题。此外,尽管特朗普不再执政,但对美国有色人种社区,尤其是美国黑人的进步造成的损害继续显现出来。
