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Giant persistent antimicrobial and biocompatible polyester fabrics for anti-mold food packaging
Materials Today Chemistry ( IF 7.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mtchem.2021.100571
Z. Zhang 1 , Y. Cao 1 , J. Gu 1 , J. Li 2 , Y. Wang 1 , S. Chen 1

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers have been the most popular fabrics owing to their superior performances. However, PET fabrics generally wear uncomfortably because of their poor sweat absorbing ability, electrostatic charge accumulation, and unfavorable microorganisms. To endow PET fabrics with perdurable antimicrobial and antistatic properties by conventional methods is unachievable owing to the absence of reactive groups. Herein, we developed a one-step facile strategy for preparing antimicrobial PET fabrics via photochemical reaction using benzophenone terminated Gemini quaternary ammonium salt (GQAS) and Gemini betaine as the antimicrobial finishing reagents. The antimicrobial rate of GQAS finished PET fabrics and GQAS/Gemini betaine finished PET fabrics were greater than 91% against both the gram-negative Escherichia coli and the gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus after 50 laundering cycles, which were significantly better than usual antimicrobial fabrics. In addition, the antimicrobial PET fabrics showed prominently enhanced hydrophilic, antistatic and long-lasting antimicrobial properties, as well as negligible toxicity. Most importantly, this work proposes a universal and efficient strategy for the development of permanent antimicrobial and antistatic synthetic polymers without compromising their superiority those have great potential for industrial and healthcare applications, including but not limited to food packaging, clothes and medical appliances to prevent infectious diseases and mildew.



聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)纤维由于其优异的性能而成为最受欢迎的织物。然而,PET面料由于吸汗能力差、静电荷积聚、微生物不利等原因,一般穿着不舒服。由于缺乏反应性基团,通过常规方法赋予 PET 织物持久的抗菌和抗静电性能是无法实现的。在此,我们开发了一种一步简便的策略来制备抗菌 PET 织物,通过使用二苯甲酮封端的 Gemini 季铵盐 (GQAS) 和 Gemini 甜菜碱作为抗菌整理剂进行光化学反应。GQAS成品PET面料和GQAS/Gemini甜菜碱成品PET面料对革兰氏阴性大肠杆菌和革兰氏阳性葡萄球菌的抑菌率均大于91%经过 50 次洗涤循环后,明显优于通常的抗菌织物。此外,抗菌 PET 织物显示出显着增强的亲水性、抗静电性和长效抗菌性能,并且毒性可忽略不计。最重要的是,这项工作提出了一种通用且有效的策略,用于开发永久性抗菌和抗静电合成聚合物,同时又不影响其在工业和医疗保健应用方面具有巨大潜力的优势,包括但不限于食品包装、服装和医疗器械,以防止感染疾病和霉菌。
