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Impact of Late Cretaceous inversion and Cenozoic extension on salt structure growth in the Baltic sector of the North German Basin
Basin Research ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-20 , DOI: 10.1111/bre.12617
Niklas Ahlrichs 1, 2 , Vera Noack 1 , Christian Hübscher 2 , Elisabeth Seidel 2 , Arne Warwel 2 , Jonas Kley 3

The Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic is known for its multiple inversion events, which affected Central Europe's intracontinental sedimentary basins. Based on a 2D seismic profile network imaging the basin fill without gaps from the base Zechstein to the seafloor, we investigate the nature and impact of these inversion events on Zechstein salt structures in the Baltic sector of the North German Basin. These insights improve the understanding of salt structure evolution in the region and are of interest for any type of subsurface usage. We link stratigraphic interpretation to previous studies and nearby wells and present key seismic depth sections and thickness maps with a new stratigraphic subdivision for the Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic covering the eastern Glückstadt Graben and the Bays of Kiel and Mecklenburg. Time-depth conversion is based on velocity information derived from refraction travel-time tomography. Our results show that minor salt movement in the eastern Glückstadt Graben and in the Bay of Mecklenburg started contemporaneous with Late Cretaceous inversion in the Coniacian-Santonian. Minor salt movement continued until the end of the Late Cretaceous. Overlying upper Paleocene and lower Eocene deposits show constant thickness without indications for salt movement suggesting a phase of tectonic quiescence from the late Paleocene to middle Eocene. In the late Eocene to Oligocene, major salt movement recommenced in the eastern Glückstadt Graben. In the Bays of Kiel and Mecklenburg, late Neogene uplift removed much of the Eocene-Miocene succession. Preserved deposits indicate major post-middle Eocene salt movement, which likely occurred coeval with the revived activity in the Glückstadt Graben. Cenozoic salt structure growth critically exceeded salt flow during Late Cretaceous inversion. Cenozoic salt movement could have been triggered by Alpine/Pyrenean-controlled thin-skinned compression, but is more likely controlled by thin-skinned extension, possibly related to the beginning development of the European Cenozoic Rift System.



晚白垩世至新生代以其多次反转事件而闻名,这些反转事件影响了中欧的陆内沉积盆地。基于二维地震剖面网络对从基底 Zechstein 到海底的无间隙盆地填充进行成像,我们研究了这些反转事件对德国北部盆地波罗的海地区 Zechstein 盐结构的性质和影响。这些见解提高了对该地区盐结构演化的理解,并且对任何类型的地下用途都很感兴趣。我们将地层解释与先前的研究和附近的井联系起来,并提供关键的地震深度剖面和厚度图,其中包括上白垩纪和新生代的新地层细分,覆盖 Glückstadt Graben 东部以及基尔湾和梅克伦堡湾。时间-深度转换是基于从折射走时断层扫描得到的速度信息。我们的研究结果表明,东格吕克施塔特地堑和梅克伦堡湾的轻微盐分运动与科尼亚克纪-桑托纪晚期白垩纪反转同时开始。小盐运动一直持续到晚白垩纪末。上古新世和下始新世沉积物的上覆厚度恒定,没有盐运动的迹象,表明从晚古新世到中始新世存在构造静止期。在始新世晚期至渐新世,主要的盐运动在东格吕克施塔特地堑重新开始。在基尔湾和梅克伦堡湾,晚新近纪隆起带走了大部分始新世-中新世演替。保存的沉积物表明中始新世后的主要盐运动,这很可能与 Glückstadt Graben 的复兴活动同时发生。晚白垩世反转期间新生代盐结构生长严重超过盐流。新生代盐运动可能是由高山/比利牛斯控制的薄皮压缩触发的,但更可能是由薄皮延伸控制,这可能与欧洲新生代裂谷系统的开始发展有关。