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Grociana piccola: a rare example of Republican military fortifications in Italy
Journal of Roman Archaeology Pub Date : 2021-09-20 , DOI: 10.1017/s1047759421000453
Federico Bernardini 1 , Jana Horvat 2 , Giacomo Vinci 3 , Tina Berden 2 , Lucija Lavrenčič 2 , Lucia Liccioli 4 , Carmine Lubritto 5

Recent investigations at Grociana piccola, a site in northeastern Italy consisting of two sub-rectangular fortifications, offer the rare opportunity to investigate Early Roman military architecture outside the Iberian peninsula. Excavations have revealed an inner rubble masonry rampart dated to the 2nd c. BCE by associated pottery, mainly amphora remains. This date suggests that the fortification was in use during the first Roman conquest and/or later campaigns of the 2nd c. BCE, providing one of the earliest and smallest examples of a military fort. The fort's ramparts were built using the same building technique as much larger 2nd-c. BCE military camps. Another trench uncovered the northeastern corner of the outer rampart and a probable tower or artillery platform which can be connected to a temporary camp built during the mid-1st c. BCE.


Grociana piccola:意大利共和国军事防御工事的罕见例子

最近在意大利东北部由两个亚矩形防御工事组成的 Grociana piccola 遗址进行的调查为调查伊比利亚半岛以外的早期罗马军事建筑提供了难得的机会。挖掘发现了可追溯到公元 2 世纪的内部碎石砌筑城墙。公元前由相关的陶器,主要是双耳瓶遗骸。这个日期表明该防御工事在第一次罗马征服和/或 2 世纪后期战役期间被使用。BCE,提供了军事堡垒的最早和最小的例子之一。堡垒的城墙是使用与更大的 2nd-c 相同的建筑技术建造的。公元前军营。另一条战壕暴露了外城墙的东北角和一个可能的塔楼或炮台,可以连接到公元 1 世纪中期建造的临时营地。公元前。