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Design and Implementation of Multidimensional Interaction in Online English Course under the Assistance of Omnimedia
Scientific Programming ( IF 1.672 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-18 , DOI: 10.1155/2021/3713161
Ming Cao 1

The method of multidimensional interaction in online teaching and learning requires teachers to harness the techniques of omnimedia and have an overall course design to achieve similar results as offline learning. Supported by QQ, Lanmo Cloud Class, and WeChat platforms, online English courses implement multidimensional interaction method to enhance language communication. This method compensates for the inefficacy of online teaching and learning which falls short of face-to-face interaction and considers the needs of students. The quasiexperimental study sampled 66 freshmen English major students in an ordinary college via Integrated English Online Course for three months. By using T-test of SPSS 26.0, statistics showed that there were significant differences between the experimental class (Number 35) and the control class (Number 31) in students’ feedback () and the results of their final examinations (). The results indicated that multidimensional interaction in online English course under the assistance of omnimedia appeared effective. It also reflected that both teachers and students should grasp the skills of using new technology and make good use of omnimedia network platform. Teachers need to change traditional teaching concept to student-centered and create effective teaching design while students need to overcome the discomfort and actively engage in online learning to achieve the goals.



在线教学中多维互动的方法要求教师驾驭全媒体技术,并有一个整体的课程设计,以达到与线下学习类似的效果。在线英语课程以QQ、蓝魔云课堂、微信平台为支撑,实施多维互动方式,加强语言交流。这种方法弥补了在线教学的低效率,缺乏面对面的互动,也考虑了学生的需求。该准实验性研究通过综合英语在线课程对一所普通高校的66名英语专业新生进行了为期三个月的抽样调查。通过使用T- SPSS 26.0测试,统计显示实验班(35号)和控制班(31号)学生反馈存在显着差异()和他们的期末考试结果 ()。结果表明,全媒体辅助下在线英语课程的多维互动效果显着。也反映了师生双方要掌握新技术的运用技巧,善用全媒体网络平台。教师需要转变传统的教学理念,以学生为中心,进行有效的教学设计,而学生则需要克服不适,积极参与在线学习以实现目标。