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Nutritional significance and therapeutic potential of Moringa oleifera: The wonder plant
Journal of Food Biochemistry ( IF 4 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-17 , DOI: 10.1111/jfbc.13933
Shalini Arora 1 , Saurabh Arora 2

Moringa oleifera is a multi-purpose plant and a comprehensive source of dietary components such as proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, etc. The plant is also a rich source of other bioactive components, including flavonoids, glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, alkaloids, terpenoids, phenolics, etc. Incorporating M. oleifera in diet can improve the nutritional status of pregnant and nursing mothers and helps to combat malnutrition and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) among children. The phytochemicals and secondary metabolites, especially the polyphenolic compounds from Moringa, have a significant free-radical scavenging effect attributed to this plant's therapeutic potential. Investigations targeting to explore M. oleifera for its nutritional makeup, novel bioactive components, and analysis of their health-promoting attributes have received much attention. This review demonstrates an overview of recent (past ten years) advancements and patenting activity in discovering different parts of M. oleifera plant for providing adequate nutritive and bioactive components. The pharmacological potential and action mechanisms of M. oleifera in many diseases like diabetes mellitus, cancer, hypertension, ulcer, etc., are also discussed.



辣木 油茶 是一种多用途的植物和膳食成分,如蛋白质,必需氨基酸,维生素,抗氧化剂,进行了全面源等的植物也是丰富其它生物活性组分,包括黄酮,芥子油苷,异硫氰酸酯,生物碱的来源,萜类,酚类,等等并入中号。饮食中的油橄榄可以改善孕妇和哺乳期母亲的营养状况,并有助于对抗儿童营养不良和缺铁性贫血 (IDA)。植物化学物质和次生代谢物,尤其是来自辣木的多酚化合物,具有显着的自由基清除作用,这归因于该植物的治疗潜力。以探索为目标的调查M. oleifera因其营养成分、新型生物活性成分以及对其促进健康的属性的分析而备受关注。本综述概述了最近(过去十年)在发现M不同部分方面的进步和专利活动。油茶植物提供足够的营养和生物活性成分。M的药理潜力和作用机制。还讨论了在许多疾病中的作用,如糖尿病、癌症、高血压、溃疡等。