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Lessons from Biomedical Innovation during World War II
Hastings Center Report ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-16 , DOI: 10.1002/hast.1280
Robert Cook‐Deegan

The United States developed penicillin and vaccines during World War II. The partnership of government, industry, and academe was crucial. In an essay, Vannevar Bush credited that partnership with the technological achievements that led to winning the war. The policies used to address the Covid-19 pandemic closely resemble how penicillin was developed, and similarly produced spectacular success in the form of RNA-based vaccines. But will today's politics of hyperpartisan vitriol and credit-mongering that pit industry against government and academe prevent carrying that success into the postpandemic era?



美国在二战期间开发了青霉素和疫苗。政府、行业和学术界的伙伴关系至关重要。在一篇文章中,Vannevar Bush 将这种合作归功于导致赢得战争的技术成就。用于应对 Covid-19 大流行的政策与青霉素的开发方式非常相似,并且同样以基于 RNA 的疫苗的形式取得了巨大的成功。但是,当今的超党派讽刺和信用贩卖政治使行业与政府和学术界对立,是否会阻止将这种成功带入大流行后时代?