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The deconstruction of a fractal
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2021.106049
Jesús San Martín 1 , Antonia González 2 , Fernando Blasco 2

In order to understand better the fractal structure attached to the bifurcation diagrams it is required to identify the fractal structures underlying that diagram. With that objective we will first construct the explicit form of the structure and morphology of MSS-sequences (shift-maximal) that appear in bifurcation diagrams of a wide class of unimodal maps. Next we will derive and prove the theorems on decomposition of MSS-sequences as compositions of other MSS-sequences in a recursive process. Those theorems allow the deconstruction of the bifurcation diagram since they permit to deduce which self-similar structure the sequences of the bifurcation diagram belong to: period doubling cascades, saddle–node bifurcation cascades or periodic window inside another periodic window.



为了更好地理解附在分叉图上的分形结构,需要识别该图下的分形结构。有了这个目标,我们将首先构建出现在各种单峰映射的分岔图中的 MSS 序列(最大位移)的结构和形态的显式形式。接下来,我们将推导出并证明在递归过程中将 MSS 序列分解为其他 MSS 序列的组合的定理。这些定理允许解构分叉图,因为它们允许推断分叉图的序列属于哪个自相似结构:周期加倍级联、鞍节点分叉级联或另一个周期窗口内的周期窗口。
