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Fungicide Seed Treatment Improves Performance of Single-Drop Whole and Cut Seed Potatoes
American Journal of Potato Research ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s12230-021-09845-0
Kasia M. Duellman 1 , Melinda A. Lent 1 , Christy L. Christian 1 , Melissa C. Bertram 1 , Phillip Nolte 1 , William J. Price 2

Seed potatoes in North America are predominantly cut and treated with a fungicide seed potato treatment before planting. Though seed potatoes that have been cut and fungicide-treated have been shown to perform as well or better than single drop seed (whole tubers in the range of 43–85 g) without fungicide seed treatment, no comparisons were made with single-drop seed that had been treated with a fungicide seed treatment. Here we present results from field experiments conducted in Bingham County, Idaho over ten consecutive years (2008–2017) using potato cultivar ‘Russet Burbank’ where both cut and single drop seed were first inoculated with isolates of Fusarium spp. and then treated with a fungicide seed treatment containing both fludioxonil and mancozeb. Single-drop seed outperformed cut seed with respect to emergence, vigor, and Fusarium seed decay, yield of large tubers, and total yield. However, the fungicide seed treatment offered a larger measure of improvement in terms of Fusarium seed decay and Rhizoctonia stem canker. The boost in yield of US No. 1 grade tubers for single drop seed (1.09 t/ha) was smaller than the increase due to an application of a commercial formulation of a mancozeb plus fludioxonil fungicide seed potato treatment (2.34 t/ha). Thus, the most important factor to consider, regardless of seed type, is use of a fungicide seed treatment.



北美的种薯在种植前主要被切割并用杀菌剂种薯处理。尽管已被切割和杀菌剂处理的种薯已被证明与未经杀菌剂种子处理的单滴种子(43-85 克的整个块茎)一样好或更好,但没有与单滴种子进行比较用杀菌剂种子处理过的。在这里,我们展示了在爱达荷州宾厄姆县连续十年(2008-2017 年)使用马铃薯栽培品种“Russet Burbank”进行的田间试验的结果,其中首先用镰刀菌分离株接种切割种子和单滴种子属 然后用含有氟菌腈和代森锰锌的杀菌剂种子处理剂进行处理。单滴种子在出苗、活力和镰刀菌种子腐烂、大块茎产量和总产量方面优于切粒。然而,杀菌剂种子处理在镰刀菌种子腐烂和丝核菌茎溃疡病方面提供了更大的改善措施。美国一号产量的提高 单滴种子的 1 级块茎(1.09 吨/公顷)小于由于应用代森锰锌加氟啶虫胺杀菌剂种薯处理的商业制剂(2.34 吨/公顷)而增加的。因此,无论种子类型如何,最重要的考虑因素是使用杀菌剂种子处理。
